Chapter 11

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I have been sitting by Rachel's bedside for hours and she still hasn't woken up. As soon as we arrived at the hospital she was taken straight to Intensive Care. She was hooked up to a heart monitor and something to monitor her brain waves. They were very sporadic at first but calmed down after a couple of hours.

I hold her hand, squeezing it tightly. I feel it twitch and let out a gasp. Looking at her face, her eyes slowly open.

"W-What happened?" she asked, her voice weak. She looks over and sees me. "Mia! Where am I?"

"The hospital," I reply, finally out of tears to cry. "You fainted!"

At this, the doctors rush over. "She's awake!" Her mother hears the shouting and runs over.

"Rachel! Thank God! Thank God, you're okay!" she says, tears running down her face in relief.

"Mum!" she says reaching out her hand, and Rachel's mother took it.

"I was so worried! Why didn't you tell me how stressed you were?! We could have prevented this!" she says, stroking Rachel's face with her free hand.

"I was just stressing over an important exam coming up," she says. I mean, our end-of-year exams are coming up. However, her face tells me otherwise. Tears are now streaming down her face. She sees me watching her and shakes her head. I guess she won't be telling.

~couple days later

Rachel was discharged from hospital the same day after tests revealed nothing wrong with her. She seems to have perked up considerably, but she is still a bit twitchy and a bit more withdrawn than usual.

We walk into school and I spot Ellis and am about to roll my eyes before I felt movement to my side. I look over to Rachel and she tenses, and when I look back to Ellis, he is smirking. I guess Rachel hasn't gotten over the trauma of her attack three weeks earlier.

"You are such a loser, attacking girls like that," I say to him, while walking past with Rachel, who is shaking with fear. "Come on, Rachel, calm down. He won't hurt you, plus, we don't want you fainting again."

"I guess you're right," she says, taking deep breaths, and becoming calmer.

We go our separate ways and I sit down in Maths.

~break time

The morning wasn't too bad, we didn't really go through anything new as most of the syllabus has been covered. We have been given time to revise or, in my case, read. Like I care about the exams.

I plan to meet Rachel at the library but as I leave the Humanities Block, I am faced with a problem. Namely Ellis and Racquelle, the two biggest bullies in the school. I give Racquelle a dark look, now that I know her secret.

"Oi, what was that look for?!" she shouts, anger written all over the face.

"It's time we teach you some manners!" Ellis says, "No one tells me what to do and gets away with it."

I try to run, but Ellis grabs the back of my jumper. "We can't let you get away," he says, smirking, before throwing me to the floor. I close my eyes and Mind-Message Rachel.

Me: 'Hey, can you get a teacher to the Humanities Block?'

Rachel: 'There's a teacher right next to me. Why?'

Me: 'Ellis and Racquelle have ganged up on me, and I really want to avoid being beaten to a pulp!'

Rachel: 'Be right there!'

Just after I received the Mind-Message, I receive a blow to the stomach, making me gasp in pain. I see Ellis's foot coming down and roll out of the way. Only to get kicked in the head by Racquelle. She then grabs my jumper and lifts me up with surprising strength. She lifts her fist to punch me and when I look closer, her fist is glowing pink.

I need to avoid this punch, her Vocaloid Actor magic could do me great damage. However, her grip is tight. My eyes close in anticipation of the pain, which never comes. I look down and see her fist is some distance from me and I don't understand why she would hesitate in punching me. I look down further to my fists, which are glowing red. I let my jumper sleeves fall to cover the glow. I must have done something unintentionally to protect myself.

"Racquelle! Ellis! Headteacher's office now!" I hear, and look to see a teacher accompanied by Rachel. Racquelle drops me and I hit the floor with great pain.

The teacher walks over and helps me up. I stand up briefly and feel a sharp pain in my ankle. I stumble. "My ankle really hurts," I say, as Rachel catches me. "I can't stand on it."

"Rachel, take Mia to the nurse!" she says. "I will deal with Ellis and Racquelle! They won't get away with this!"

Rachel supports me and I hobble off to the nurse.

As soon as the teacher is out of sight, I shake my sleeves up, and show Rachel the red glow around my fists.

"Huh, what happened?!" she asks, with a bit of fear in her voice.

"Racquelle picked me up to punch me. As she lifted her fist, I saw it glowing, she was going to use Vocaloid Actor magic on me! Why would she use that against someone who isn't magical at all! I know I am a Vocaloid Actor, but she doesn't know that!" I ramble, tears running down my face.

"I don't know, the damage could be deadly," she says in concern. "She must have been really angry and lost control! How did you survive? All you have is a sore ankle and other minor injuries!"

"Well, you see how my fists are glowing? They were like that after she tried to punch me! Do you think I unintentionally used magic to protect myself?" I ponder.

"Well, there is the Shield Charm," she says, "It conjures an invisible shield around you, that protects from most magic!"

By this time, we reached the nurse's office so we stopped our discussion. She jumps up and checks me over.

"What happened to you?" she says, sympathy in her eyes.

"I was beaten up!" I say, more tears leaking out of my eyes.

"Well, you have a swollen cheek and bruising on your stomach. Is there anything else wrong with you?" she says.

"Yeah, my ankle is really sore, and I can't stand to put much weight on it!" I say, and she gently prods my ankle causing more pain.

"This might be a sprain, but I think we need to get you to the hospital to get it x-rayed, just to make sure it isn't broken," she says, before picking up the phone. "What's your mum's number, Mia?"

I tell her my mum's number and she talks to her for a couple of minutes. I don't really concentrate on what they are saying, as my ankle is aching too much. I look down and notice a little bulge on the side. I tap the nurse on the shoulder and point down at my ankle, specifically towards the bulge. Her eyes widen and she then calls an ambulance.

"So, I called your mum to say you had an injured ankle and would be going to the hospital to get it x-rayed. When you pointed out that small bulge at the side of the ankle, I called the ambulance as it looks broken and we can't risk you walking for fear of further damage."

I nod before passing out as the pain became greater.


A/N So another chapter of the hospital is coming up. All this will become part of a bigger story I will reveal later in this fan-fiction.

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