Back To Work

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12. Back To Work - (1 year later)

3rd Person POV.

A lot has happened in the past year; Beam was arrested but only sentenced to 5-10 MONTHS in jail, Everyone is pissed off about it and on high alert every time they think they see him around.

In happier news; Kit took over the night club and revamped it, (hired new staff, renovated the entire club, promoted Phana to head-dancer, and put Beam on the 'not allowed' list, etc) Phana and Forth are officially dating, (been together for 9 months) and MingYo got (secretly) married last month. They still haven't told anyone about it. No one knows that they were even engaged. 

Currently, Kit is cleaning up and redecorating the dressing room with Phana who is finally able to work again. Phana got his casts and stitches out 3 months ago and is finally allowed to dance and work again. 

"Should we separate it by colour or by sizes?" Kit asked going through all of the lingerie and the more sexy clothes.

"Both, separate by sizes then separate them by colour in those sizes," Phana said while organizing the shoes, accessories, and props. They've been in here for three hours and still aren't even halfway done with re-organizing everything. The club opens in 4 hours...

"Hand me the box of hangers behind you, please and thanks!" Kit said and Phana threw a box of hangers to Kit.

"Where the fuck do I put these?" Phana asked holding up a box of 'toys' to Kit.

"In the rooms, the same cabinet as the lube and that kind of stuff, if they're used throw them out, if they're still in a package put them in the rooms. Unless you and Forth want them 😘" Kit said and Phana blushed and flipped him off setting the toys in a box to take to the private rooms once he was done organizing. Kit also may or may not have slipped a few into Phana's bag and texted Forth about it....

There was a knock on the door startling Kit and scaring Phana so bad he fell back into the laundry basket. Kit started laughing and opened the door for Forth and MingYo who came to tell them that they brought them some dinner before the club opened. 

"Thanks guys, Forth get your boyfriend out of the laundry basket," Kit said and left the room to eat with MingYo. Forth was confused and then heard Phana yelling from the other side of the room. 

"How'd you get in there?" Forth asked helping Phana out of the basket. 

"Whoever knocked on the door scared me and I fell," Phana said and Forth just smiled and hugged the smaller. 

"You hungry? MingYo and I brought dinner for you guys," Forth asked while they walked out to the kitchen area where everyone else was eating. 

"No, it's too close to opening, I still have to practice before I go on later," Phana said. Forth nodded understanding but still wanted Phana to eat a little bit since his shift won't end until 1 AM and it's 7 PM right now. 

"Eat a little bit at least?" Forth asked and Phana shook his head no. Forth didn't want to fight with him about it and let him do what he wanted. 

They all sat around the table and ate dinner. Phana sat on Forth's lap stealing some fries now-and-then but not eating much. Forth had his arm around Phana's waist but just as quickly as he put his arms around the smaller, Phana got up and told him he was gonna go practice for a bit.

"You guys alright?" Yo asked Forth after Phana left.

"Yeah, I think so, he's been avoiding me lately..." Forth said and Kit kept quiet not looking at anyone or saying anything.

"Do you know anything?" Ming asked Kit and he shook his head.

"No, nothing that would explain that at least," Kit said, lying, but no one needs to know that right now.

"No, nothing that would explain that at least," Kit said, lying, but no one needs to know that right now

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"Who's that?" Yo asked seeing Forth really interested in his phone

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"Who's that?" Yo asked seeing Forth really interested in his phone.

"Phana's sending me pictures, wants me to pick his outfit for tonight," Forth answered.

"Why can't you go see him and help him pick? Why text?" Ming asked confused.

"If Forth goes and helps him I'm gonna have to deep-clean the dressing room again," Kit said and continued eating his dinner. He wasn't dancing tonight so he ate a lot of food.

"It was ONE time!" Forth defended himself and Phana.

"For 'one time' you two sure made a week's worth of a mess," Kit said and Forth couldn't argue there.

"You say that like it was a bad thing," Forth said and smiled since Kit knew exactly what Forth was talking about.

"Shut up that's in the past," Kit mumbled...

"But you're right," Kit, sadly, admited.

"Of course I am," Forth said.

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