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7. Moving In/Decorating

3rd Person POV.

"I actually hate you right now..." Phana mumbled as he woke up the next morning in Forth's bed.

"Did I go to hard on you?" Forth asked as he was getting dressed for work.

"No, just in a lot of pain. I'm fine though," Phana mumbled and turned over to look at Forth.

"Sorry baby... Do you need anything?" Forth asked and sat next to Phana rubbing his back.

Phana shook is head no.

"I'm just gonna sleep for a bit before Wayo gets here. He wanted to help decorate my room," Phana mumbled already falling back asleep. Forth just smiled and kissed Phana's cheek. Even though they aren't dating of anything Forth still treats Phana as his boyfriend.

"Alright, sleep well. I'll be back around five; call me if you need anything," Forth said before leaving and going to work.

- 8 hours later -

Phana and Wayo were in the middle of hanging a huge canvas on the wall when the front door closed and then a big crash.

Forth had just gotten home and closed the front door, while Phana just fell off the ladder he was standing on and snaped his ankle. Yay. No. Not yay. He's in a lot of pain and is not happy about it.

"Phana?! You alright?" Forth yelled from downstairs while he was taking his shoes and jacket off.

"No! He broke his ankle I think!" Wayo yelled back. Forth ran up the stairs to check on Phana. He was worried about the younger.

"Baby, what happened?" Forth asked and nealed down beside Phana checking his ankle. It was swollen and turning purple quickly. Phana had tears in his eyes but he wasn't crying. He leaned onto Forth and winced everytime Forth moved his ankle to check it.

"We we're hanging up a canvas and he fell off the ladder," Wayo said while running to the kitchen to get an ice pack for Phana.

"Which ladder did you use?" Forth asked as he put a pillow under Phana's ankle.

"The blue one," Phana mumbled and wiped the tears off of his face. Forth's eyes went wide.

"Shit... I'm sorry baby, that one is broken I should've warned you... I'm sorry," Forth kept apologizing.

"It's fine, it worked all day until we hung the canvas... Ow..." Phana winced again, not because Forth moved his ankle but because the shock was wearing off and he was in a LOT of pain now. Like 100× what he felt just a few minutes ago.

- 3 hours later -

Forth drove Phana to the hospital. His ankle was broken and needed to be in a cast for 6 months. Phana wasn't allowed to work, he had to have crutches, (if the pain got to bad he could get a wheelchair) and he mostly had to stay home and sit around all day.

"Beam is going to hate me," Phana mumbled while the doctor was wrapping his ankle into the cast.

"No he won't, he'll understand," Forth said reassuring the younger. Phana just shook his head.

"I'm his number ONE money maker, if I'm gone for six months he's going to lose A LOT of money," Phana said. He was stressed and he was scared for what Beam was gonna say.

He's scared of Beam. Beam has some major blackmail on Phana. If Phana screws up ONCE Beam is going to expose him for eveything he's done in the past, which would cause everyone to hate him...
And ruin whatever relationship he has with Forth...

Phana is scared to talk to Beam on Monday.

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