Fluffy Day

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11. Fluffy Day + Baby... Kind of. Not right now tho

3rd Person POV. - 4 weeks later -

"Forth~~~" Phana whined from their, now shared, room. He was tired and hungry. He just also just got home from the hospital.

He was tired after he had one last surgery before leaving the hospital.
Phana was pregnant... 
But then he lost the baby because of Beam. But he and his doctors found a way that he could still have a baby. Without actually having a baby. If he and Forth wanted to have a baby, in the future, Nate (and Wayo; but Ming said no) volunteered to be the surrogate, which shocked Phana and Forth. But it's way too TOO early to be thinking about kids right now. They JUST started dating not even an hour ago. When Forth came to pick Phana up from the hospital he brought him some flowers and a balloon asking if Phana would go on a date with him. Of course, Phana said yes, so this weekend they're going on a date to Forth's lake house.

"Yeah babe?" Forth yelled from the kitchen where he was cooking dinner.

"Are you almost done cooking?" Phana whined again.

"Just ten more minutes, what's wrong?" Forth asked and he turned the stove off and walked up to their room.

"Cuddles?" Phana asked giving Forth puppy eyes.

"After dinner?" Forth asked and Phana thought about it for a while....

"Yeah," Phana nodded and smiled. Forth smiled and leaned down to kiss the smaller before helping him up and over to his wheelchair.

His (left) ankle was still broken, but on top of that, Beam broke Phana's (left) leg, and fractured his (right) knee. So he can't walk at all for a while. As well as nearly breaking his ribs and puncturing his lungs. Luckily the knife didn't go all the way through and stopped just before his stomach. 

"How are you feeling?" Forth asked while helping Phana re-wrap the bandage around his stomach. 

"Better, it hurts a lot though," Phana said and leaned his head on Forth's shoulder. Forth nealed down next to Phana and finished wrapping the bandage.

"Have you taken your meds?" Forth asked kissing Phana's forehead.  Phana nodded.

They just had a lazy day, Phana couldn't do much besides laying around and sleeping so then had a cute little stay-at-home-date. Forth cooked, Phana picked the movies and they both laid on the couch for hours just talking and enjoying each others presence.
Forth was happy that Phana felt the same, he thought Phana would just be with him for the money and sex. But he's not, he's with Forth because he's in love with him too...

AN: just a filler chapter, next chapter will be a bit shocking

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