Scared - Truth

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8. Sacred - Truth

3rd Person POV.

Phana was sacred to say the least. Forth dropped him off at Beam's club so they can talk about him taking some time off.

"Come with me?" Phana asked as Forth pulled up outside. Forth shook his head.

"Why?" Phana was scared but trying to hide it from Forth.

"I've gotta go to work. Ming and I have some important meetings today," Forth said. He was oblivious to Phana's fear of talking to Beam about taking time off work.

Phana sighed, "Oh... Um... Ok..." Phana got out of the car and Forth was confused.

"Baby, you alright?" Forth asked getting out to help Phana with his crutches, Phana nodded.

"I'll be back around seven, call me if you need anything, ok?" Forth asked and kissed Phana's cheek.  Phana nodded and hugged Forth before waking into the club.

"Phana, you're late," Beam said from his desk not even looking up at Phana when he walked in.

Phana knew better than to say anything to Beam. He knew what would happen if he spoke up.

"What's that? You trying to get out of work? Too bad, you're still working," Beam said and finally looked up at Phana and saw how much pain he was in.

"This real?" Beam asked actually acting like he cared.

Phana nodded.

"Forth knows?" Beam asked not believing the younger.

Phana nodded. "Wayo was there too... He saw it break..."

"Did I tell you to speak?" Beam asked.

Phana shook his head no.

Phana and Beam...where do we start...

Let's start Phana's freshmen year of high school.

- Story Time! -

He had just tured 13, young but extreamly smart, and just moved to a new city.
He didn't have any friends, he didn't speak much either. Until this older boy showed up one day and started talking to him. That was Beam. Beam had just turned 16 and was in his third year of high school when he met Phana. They were really close friends and later started dating the beginning of Phana's second year. But then Beam started going to college parties with his older friends and drinking, even if he was only 17.

One night Beam had invited Phana out to a party. Phana thought it would be fun so be went with his boyfriend.

That was one of the worst mistakes of his life.

Phana ended up getting so black out drunk that he ended up fucking with a girl and got her pregnant. That's where Eva came from. And how Phana and Beam's relationship started falling apart.

After Beam had found out what Phana had done, he didn't break up with Phana. No he did something worse.

He started abusing Phana.

Verbally, Emotionally, and Physically.

A few times a week he would beat Phana up for 'not following the rules'. He yelled at Phana everyday, degraded him (not in a good way😘) and he'd constantly use social media and other forms to emotionally abuse the younger.

Then when people started asking where the bruises on Phana came from... Beam lied and told people that Phana was the abuser and that Beam beat him up as self defense. Beam would go out to bars and let people beat him up just to make it look like Phana was abusing him. When really Beam was the abuser....

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