Still Scared - Hiding

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9. Still Scared - Hiding.

3rd Person POV.

"Phana! Baby! I'm home, you awake?" Forth yelled from the front door.

Phana was asleep in bed while Nate was in the kitchen cooking, Eva was sitting on the counter trying to help her mom.

Forth walked into the kitchen and was confused.

"Before you ask. I'm Nate, I'm Phana's best friend. This is Eva, my daughter, we're cooking dinner and Phana is asleep upstairs," Nate said and Forth nodded.

"He got bored and called us," Nate added and Forth nodded.

"Thanks for cooking," Forth said before going upstairs to check on Phana.

"Baby, you awake?" Forth asked sitting next to Phana on the bed.

Phana whined and tried to keep sleeping but winced when Forth put his hand on his back. Beam happened to leave a HUGE bruise right there and Forth now has his hand over it causing Phana to be in a lot of pain.

"What's wrong?" Forth asked and moved his hand trying to lift Phana's shirt to see what happened.

"My back hurts from yesterday, I'm fine Forth," Phana said and played it off as Forth being a bit too rough during sex.

"Sorry baby, besides that, are you alright?" Forth asked and laid down next to the younger and kissing his cheek/neck area. It was something he always did. It made Phana smile and that's all that mattered.

"Yeah I'm alright, just tired, and my ankle hurts a lot, other than that I'm fine," Phana mumbled and yawned cuddling into Forth's chest and trying to sleep again.

"Nate's cooking dinner, you hungry at all?" Forth asked and played with Phana's hair for a bit.

Phana nodded but yawned and hugged Forth tighter.

"Get some sleep, I'll make sure to make you a huge breakfast in the morning, how's that sound?" Forth asked and Phana nodded smiling and then falling asleep for the night.

- 3 days later -

Phana was in the bathroom doing his make-up, (covering bruises) when Forth walked in to take a shower. Thankfully there weren't any bruises on Phana's neck so Forth didn't see anything.

"Hey, you're up early," Forth said but smiled and hugged Phana from behind and kissed his neck. Just a normal-cute morning for them.

"Couldn't sleep, Kit and Wayo want me to go shopping with them later," Phana said and Forth nodded and smiled.

"Need any money?" Forth asked and tightened his grip on Phana's waist a bit.

"No, I have some saved up just for shopping," Phana said and Forth nodded.

"I picked a smart baby," Forth said, he was also really nice and cute in the mornings which made Phana shy and blushy all the time.

Phana just nodded and turned around to hug Forth for a few minutes before he had to get in the shower.

"Wanna take a shower with me?" Forth asked when Phana refused to let go of him.

"No, I already showered, just want hugs before you leave," Phana said and Forth just smiled thinking that this was the cutest thing in the world.

"You're so cute babyboy," Forth said before kissing Phana once and then getting into the shower.

Forth left for work about an hour later and Phana sighed when Kit and Wayo showed up. He was now considering telling them he didn't wanna go anymore.

Beam was with them. Phana didn't wanna be anywhere NEAR Beam until he came back to work.

Phana walked back inside of the house and texted Kit saying he wasn't feeling well. And it wasn't a complete lie since not even a second after hitting send Phana ran (the best he could) to the bathroom and threw up. Seeing Beam physically made him sick to the point where he actually threw up.

Kit immediately rushed to the front door and knocked until Phana opened it.

"What's wrong?" Kit asked and hugged Phana scared something was wrong.

"Just not feeling well, go without me, I'm just gonna sleep for a bit," Phana said and tensed up a lot when Beam walked up to the door as well.

"What's up?" Beam asked and hugged Kit from behind while asking Phana what was wrong.

"Just not feeling well, go without me, I'll text you later Kit," Phana said and closed + locked the door and then went upstairs and locked himself in his room and had a panic attack.

He was scared. Now that Beam pretty much knows he's home alone. He's scared.

- in the car with Kit -

"Forth, come home and check on Phana for me, he just backed out of our plans, I think somethings wrong," Kit said as he was on the phone with Forth. Beam was driving Wayo back home before going home with Kit.

"I don't know P', just come check on him, he would barley let me in the house and I'm his best friend... Yeah, he told me he threw up and wasn't feeling well... Yeah... Thanks P', text me later if something happens..." Kit hung up after talking to Forth and sighed.

"I hope he's alright," Kit mumbled. He was worried about the younger.

"He'll be fine, don't worry too much," Beam said with very little care in his voice. Kit just rolled his eyes. He knew Beam hated Phana. He knew because Phana told him what Beam did to him; but. Kit kept quiet about it. He was scared of Beam as well but hides it so well that Beam has no idea...

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