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I loved my dad, sure, but can someone please tell me why I decided that Forks fucking Washington was the place I wanted to live. Fucking green and brown everywhere. And the smallest fucking place I have ever been. It also rains here too much for my liking. Not what I would call a good time.

I bit my tongue at the thought though, because my father, who refused to leave this place and his work, still had his house here in town. I never understood why he didn't leave when I was little? Had he always hoped that I someday would come home to him again?  You can make your home anywhere, or so I've been told, but he loved it and didn't want to leave his job. So I knew he would probably never leave. We hadn't seen each other at all over the years, but we were old pals once we got together. Like my oldest and dearest friend.

So, facing the scenery wasn't going to get to me; well not much anyway. But I did admit I missed the heat. Phoenix heat was my favorite. It was the suns rays shone into your soul.

We had stopped off to get a pizza on the way home. Seeing as neither one of us wanted to cook. Then we chilled out the rest of the day that first day. Talking and eating. Then off to an early sleep.

The next day dad said he had invited his friend Billy Black and Billy's son, Jacob, over. Guess I'd be having to make extra dinner. Though Charlie never asked. I did it out of habit.

It did turn out to be a pretty awesome afternoon and night. Jacob, Billy's son, came over a bit earlier than expected. We ended up having quite a bit in common. From fixing cars to the taste of music. We could definitely be friends.

He seemed disappointed when I said things about being into girls to. And he told me about Leah Clearwater being someone that I could talk to about 'those things' as she was Bi like me. Yes, I like both men and women. Men. What could I say. I love em' but they have so much to learn. But anyways I did want still want to meet the girl. She sounds intriguing.

After spending most of the time talk and cooking he left to pick up his dad. When he came back he told me that Leah was coming by in the morning to meet me. He had talked about me and said she looked excited to get to met another girl like her.

If I was being honest I was quite excited too. I had never met anyone who liked both sexes and was to both sexes. Jacob never told me she would date both sexes but it was a hunch. Call it a women's intuition.

During dinner we made conversation and Billy did invite us down anytime. I think he was looking for me and Jacob to have a thing but it wasn't going to happen. I accepted the invitation anyway.

After dinner I excused myself to get ready for bed. If I was going to meet a hottie, I needed my beauty sleep. It was ten before I actually feel to sleep. But in my dreams that night there was a faceless beauty and two hot sexy men. When I woke up I was definitely hot and bothered. I had to fix that problem before my dad woke.

In the morning around eight, Leah did end up showing up and let me tell you what. I was drooling. She was so drop dead gorgeous. I was like a dog in heat. I could not wait to find out what she looked like naked. Now I know what your thinking, you think like a male. But the truth is I am a very sexual person. I need it almost as I need hugs and cuddles. I loved kisses too. If you were wondering.

We did talk for a couple of hours in which she told me about her family, ex boyfriends, and her friends on the, Rez, as she called it. But in the end I couldn't wait to basically threw myself at her. Kissing the shit out of her. And she hadn't even became my girl. Yet. We set out to go out after school on Friday night. An official date. But she promised to call and come over as much as she could. I wanted to be hers. And fuck anyone who did think it was to early. I couldn't stop smiling when dad came home later that night.

The next day was school. Which I wasn't looking forward to if I was being honest. Small town, small school. I tried talking dad into switching schools at the last minute but he said he'd rather I say close to home. Which I readily agreed to. Seeing how I wasn't sure the old rust bucket of a truck would make it and keep me safe. But if anyone fucked me, I would whoop ass. And if I got kicked out, I'd be begging to go to the Rez school.

I made it school just in time to get my schedule and make it to my English class on time. I just hoped I would actually learn something. I had read pretty much everything most English classes read.

I hated all the attention and wished Leah could be there with me. I'd have to ask her to transfer her ASAP. And maybe Jake too. At least then I'd have some I knew.

The classes were fine so far, and I would do well in everything but maybe math. It wasn't until lunch that my day started to change. A saw the most beautiful kids I had ever seen. But they were all sitting far away from people and barely eating.

Jessica Stanley, a girl from a few of my classes, saw me staring. She told they were the Cullens. It turned out they were new. Well sorta. Only here a couple years before me.

They were all so beautiful. I couldn't help but stare. But I found myself looking at a gorgeous blonde and a hulk like buff guy. They were hold hands under the table. Like they were together; and was staring my way too. They looked at me was like I was their light. I couldn't help fell this pull to the two of them. But they both intimidated me. I blushed and looked away from them.

I hate to admit, I was scary to know that both of them, who looked like models, would want to be with me. Like me. And they looked like they would kill someone just by looking at them.

Focusing backing my table I conversed with a nice girl named Angela Weber. We would be friends too. We would definitely be study partners. And maybe go shopping and to movies some. I learned that her father was a minister. She seemed like a goody goody. My focus though was back on the gorgeous boys at the far table. I did glance back at the beautiful creatures. And hoped I would get a chance to at least talk to one if not both of them.

My mind wondered the rest of the day. I wanted to know more about them. I would definitely have to ask around and see what others we're saying. And when I got home I did ask Charlie and texted Leah and Jacob about it.

Dad did seem to like their family and said only good things. Leah and Jacob on the other hand told me they were dangerous but didn't say why. It was frustrating. But despite the negative comments I was still interested in getting to know more. And started thinking of ways to talk to them.

Some how I was going to get to the bottom of this and maybe convince Leah to do some undercover work. Dangerous or not I was going to know my beautiful boys. And hopefully me and Leah would be having fun.

And for some one who hated fairy tales, I could see the future and it was starting to look bright.

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