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After about a three hour, and a fight with my mom over the phone; I finally arrived in Forks. I made my way to my dad’s place. Going by the address he had sent to me through email. Sure, I was nervous; but I knew this was a make-or-break situation. One that would change my life. For the better I hoped.

My dad was standing on the porch when I pulled up in the taxi. And as I got out it looked like he was in tears. I knew after that one look; I was too. I missed my father even though I never knew him or remembered much about him.

"Ohh Bella! Oh my god! Oh, sweetie I love you so much. Look how much you've grown. I should have fought harder." He hugged me to himself. He kissed my head. Just knowing he tried was enough for me.

"Oh, daddy it wasn't your fault that mean woman took me away. I'm just so happy I'm away from her. Please don't let her take me back." I hugged him tighter.

We let go, and went inside. Nothing between us was awkward; but it was a weird feeling. My mom had never really showed love like this.

I followed him into the kitchen which had old yellow paint chipping.

"Is pizza good for tonight? I don't have much to eat yet. We can go to the store tomorrow, after I enroll you in school."

"Yeah, pizza sounds great. Can we also go clothes shopping? I don't really have much clothes for this kind of weather." I didn't have much clothes at all really. Just what have bought myself over the years from any money I had left over.

"Yes, we sure can baby." He went off to order pizza. When he got off the phone, he showed me where my new room would be.

"Get to unpacking and I'll call you when the pizza gets here."

"Sure daddy. Love you and thanks again for this."

He smiled. "Not a problem, I'm glad you came to live with me, and I love you too."

I sighed. Finally, I was going to get the life I wanted. I was so happy to be away from that wicked women for the first time.

When pizza got there, to dad’s house, we went to living room. As we ate dad started asking questions. I wasn't sure he was ready to hear everything thing. But I did want him to know that my mother was a total unfit mother.

He could tell I wasn't saying everything and asked me what I wasn't saying.

"I know there are things that you’re not saying and I'm assuming that it's not something that I'd like. So, I'll let it go for now but please know that I want to know I want to know. But I won't push you tonight. Tonight, let's just enjoy your first night with me. How about you pick out a movie and we can watch it."

"Sounds good dad. I'll just go change. And then meet you in the living room."

I ate one more piece of pizza then went up showered and got changed into my pjs. And my dad and I sat and watched Top Gun (my favorite Tom cruise movie FYI). I smiled the whole time. It was so relaxing.

Though I wasn't looking forward to going shopping or anything, being with my dad was all I cared about. I hoped that my mom wouldn't come and ruin it.

After the movie I went up to my bedroom read a few chapters before bed. It was the first time in a long time that I had no nightmare.


Mornings were always hard on me. And today was no different. I needed coffee asap. And after a quick shower and getting ready for my day, I made my way down to the kitchen.

Charlie hadn't woken up yet so I thought I'd get the coffee started and find something to throw together for us. He was right though not much was in the house. Guess toast was all I was making. We definitely have to fill this house up. I don't know he survived on his own.

Charlie came down when I had just set the toast on plate.

"Morning Bells." We hugged and he sat in a chair with newspaper in hand. Um I didn't notice that being there before. He must have got it before coming in the kitchen.

"Morning dad. I'll make a list of stuff to get today. So, anything you want to add just tell me." And he didn't need much but I was worried.

"You know dad you got to stay healthy and you barely eating is not healthy and neither is eating out all the time. Now I'm here I'll cook for us okay. All you have to do is worry about work." He was grateful and promised to help out when he can. Though I hadn't seen him cook yet, I was sure he didn't know anything about it.

And after breakfast we got in to the trusty old cruiser and headed out. Our first stop was La Push. The old Quileute Indian reservation down by first beach.

Dad said he had wanted to stop in on his friend Billy. They had an old used Chevy that dad wanted to use for today. He knew going around in the cruiser was not something I was looking forward too. Though I had to admit. I was nervous about how old this truck was going to be.

Dad of course was trying to make it sound like a nice car when in reality it probably belonged in the dump. But nevertheless, I was grateful.

Billy's house was like a shack almost. Most houses on the Rez were. Anyways it was homey and I found myself being drawn to living like this. Though I'd probably update mine a little.

We pulled up and got out.

"Billy is my closest friend, you’re going to love him. We go fishing all the time. But just so you know Billy is in a wheelchair after a car accident paralyzed him. Just didn't want to be freaked out."

I wasn't and Billy was friendly almost like another dad. We talked about my dad a lot and Billy's son. Who at the time was at school? The two older girls where away at college and married.

After about an hour I said we had to get going because we had a lot to get done. And dad agreed inviting Billy and his son over for dinner later.

I really wasn't ready for all that company. But I didn't want me to feel bad or hurt him. So, I smiled and agreed. At least I'd finally have a true friend.

————later that night——-

It took about four hours to get everything done. I don't think I'll need to go shopping though for a while and I'm all set for school. Billy even said that I could keep the truck for free.

"Hey dad I'm starting dinner now. What time is Mr. Black and his son coming over?"

"In a few minutes Bells but don't worry the games on soon do that will keep us men folk busy. What you making anyway?"

"Oh, okay that's fine. I'm making lasagna and garlic bread sticks. By half time we'll be able to eat."

And true to his word Billy and his son, whose name was Jacob, came knocking about five minutes later.

Jacob was tall for his age. And a lot darker than his father but had the prettiest raven colored hair. We got along well. And I could see him as brother. Or cousin.

I was starting to like it here in Forks. After dinner Billy and Jacob took off calling it a long day and Billy needed rest. And Jacob left his number in case we could hang out again.

All in all, it was a good day. What would tomorrow bring.

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