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A/N: Just some author notes before you read. First the wolves are all phased. And do mean ALL of them. Even Collin and Brady. Second Leah and Bella will be in senior year. I wanted to make them I bit older to match Jasper and Emmett. Thank you for reading. On with the story


A bitch. That's who I am. And I don't foresee that changing anytime soon.

I have to be a bitch to hide the fucking hurt. And being a bitch keeps people I don't want around out of my business. Like Sam. I thought harshly.

I had to be strong around everyone one in my life. But no one knew the hurt I was dealing with.

First the love of my life, Sam, who I thought I loved, leaves me for my own family. My cousin to be exact. Fucking bitch just shows up here for a visit. And one look at Sam and they are in love. And sure; she tried fighting it, but she didn't fight hard enough. She knew how far our relationship was going. I'm a bit bitter about that. He left me for her; don't forget that.

Then if that's not bad enough. My dad has a heart attack as I shift. Because we got into a heated conversation over everything. I was an angry teenager.

Well, we were fighting about Sam and my bitch ass cousin Emily, and how he, my dad, always sided with Sam and the elders. That he didn't really love me. But I shifted in front of him and he had a heart attack. Dying on the spot. I hold a lot of guilt over that.

My little brother phased at the same time to defend my father. I cried for hours that night in my room after I came home. And prayed for my life to be normal again. That my father wouldn't have died. I wanted y daddy back. To hold me. And tell me everything was going to be okay.

Then, if you are wondering; yes I see the relationship of my ex and my cousin. In pack mind. It's fucking on replay most of the time Sam shifts.

We are protectors, we shift into wolves the size of bears.

So you can see where I am coming from. Fucked up right? Well of course it is. So, I act like a bitch.

But inside I'm hurting. I want to cry and be by myself but I can't. As a protector of the the tribe I have duties. Duties that cause me to patrol at all ours of the night most nights.

And who do I take orders, you wonder; none other than Sam, my ex. So, I'm stuck.

I have begged my mom to let me go to Forks to get away from them. But deep down I know I can't. I can't leave Seth, my brother, and my mom. And even so I knew she wouldn’t let me.

I do have friends that I can talk to in the pack. And I feel better knowing it's not only me out there. Like Jacob Black, who I have known since birth.

But today Jacob, one of my friends, can't stop thinking about Charlie Swan's daughter that is coming to live with him. And if I am being honest it's borderline annoying. But I let him talk, because I tell him things I'm sure he doesn't want to know, and I'm sure I can be annoying every once in a while too.

Jacob has a crush on her. And he's happy cause he thinks he can have a chance with her. From what I have seen of her through his mind she's more my type not his. But no one wants to hurt his feelings. Though I'm sure he can read it in our thoughts.

And now that I've outed myself I'll just say I love guys and women. I have dated men but I would date a girl if I ever got the chance. I'm bi. And if it was legal, I'd probably marry a man and a woman. They both bring different things to the table.

If your wondering, I did tell my parents; then you'd get a yes I did. They were behind me. Or at least my mom is. I never got to know how it affected my dad.

"Jacob come on man, you can chat up your lady love later; we have to patrol. Sam will have our asses if we are late." I wasn't going to stand there and listen to Sam have a pissing contest over us being late.

"Yea your right, plus I might just invite her down to chill with us this weekend."

—————time skip——————-

We paroled all night until Paul and Jared relived us. And I was damn happy I didn't patrol with sex slut Paul.

"See you later Leah. I'll call you later and let you know what Bella said. Don't forget to ask your mom about visiting Charlie and Bella on Sunday."

"Yea yeah see you later." With that I ran home.

"Mom, Charlie just got back with his daughter. We need to visit. Jacob is going there now to ask if Bella, that's her name, wants to come to a bond fire Saturday night. I thought we could go and I could invite her to spend the night. Plus, you'd get to see Charlie more; wouldn't that be fun. We all know your crushing on him." I laugh at the face she makes.

She laughed. "Give the poor girl time to get settled before you guys bombard her with all this. You guys will scare her away before she has a chance to really enjoy time with Charlie."

I laughed with her. It was true Jacob would have her running for the hills if he didn't take things a notch. I was happy to make a friend that was a girl.

"I've talk to Billy and Old Quil, if you promise to protect the human life your around from the Cullen's, a vampire coven/ family that moved into the area.. um I mean just moved back to the area, you can stay at our old house on the other side just outside the border. You will have to answer the nights that you don't have school. To Sam . Sorry. Seeing as this your last year, we are asking you to work at the local grocery store and you will run patrols on Friday and Saturday night and on Sunday morning and afternoon. I'm sorry you're leaving but I know you'll be safe. I trust you. Seth packed the fridge and cabinets for you. We moved most of your things already. I know you'll be happier this way. Also you start school tomorrow so be ready at 7 and I'll drop you off on my way to work. Forks High School. I hear you'll get to be with Charlie's daughter."

I could have cried. I ran to my mom and hugged her. "Thank you mom. I love you so much. I will still visit you and take care of Seth while I'm phased. You won't regret doing this mom. I really need this." I phased running straight to the old abandoned house on a new mission.

I didn't know what tomorrow would bring but I things were finally looking up. I just hoped things with Bella went good so I could have good friend to talk to other than Jacob. Cause even jake can get quite annoying on his own. But I was also hoping being friends with Jake would not change now that Bella was here.


I will be updating more and more. So stay tuned.


Your author, Candi

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