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Hell, that is what I living. Pure burning hell. Damn the family's need to play human. I mean we're not human. And I used to drink human blood. What says going to school with human blood bags is safe. A future seeing pixie that's who. Damn pixie. Oh and let's not forget her mind raping sidekick. Damn you Eddie. He hated that name but I used it all the time. He wouldn't ever be brave to come at me. He growled. I growled back.

I would much rather hang at the house with Emmett playing video games. Or reading. But no fucking way was the pixie going to let that happen. Oh no. She loved torture me. She got like sick satisfaction out of it or something.

School with humans was my hell. Not only did most smell so good that I wanted to eat them, but most all the teenagers at Forks High were dumber than a box of rocks. And yet there I sat everyday.

Sure I could control my thirst a bit more than I used to, but it was the emotions around me that were my hell most days. But today was a bad day.

We had moved to Forks, Washington thanks to Alice. The hyper pixie said something was going to happen here. Something that would change us. Cryptic future seeing pixie. And not only was I unhappy but my 'twin' sister Rosaile was livid. But because Alice could see the future we moved. And up until a few days ago nothing happened.

About a two years ago we were in Alaska. Alice has a vision of a human girl. Nothing big right? Well according to her it was huge. We had to go to Forks and be enrolled in school. I know right? What the fuck? I agree. But we came.

She had another vision about a month ago. The human girl would be coming to live with her father. Nothing new there. We were starting to doubt the move. Well not everyone, me and my 'adopted' sister Rosalie were at least.

But then a few days ago Alice was going around cleaning and preparing. She even bought us all new clothes. It was strange. But most things that happened around Alice was strange; if I was being totally honest here. I had asked her why. And she said it was for Bella of course. Bella or Isabella, is the human. She would be coming in a few days and starting school.

Alice let it slip last night that Bella would play a big part of our lives but she wasn't the only one. She, Alice, wanted to leave the future to date so she didn't give us much details. And let me tell you we, Rosalie and me, fought with Alice over that very fact. In the end though there was nothing done or said more about it.

It has me wondering what a human possibly change for us? Was she a threat? And if she was going to be important to us, what would she be? A friend? Sister? Maybe a mate? I wasn't for sure. I'd have to watch the human to make sure things were fine.

I was a soldier once both in human and vampire lives. So, my tactical mind worked occasionally assessing new and unknown factors.

The Major wasn't present at the moment, but I still would defend my family if I had to. Especially Emmett my mate. Who was saved by Alice's mate Rosalie.

————-time jump———-

Today was the day that Bella would be coming to school. Alice made sure that we all had hunted before going. Seeing as her 'new best friend' was going to be there. I wasn't sure how a vampire and a human could be friends.

Bella was what all the human population was talking about. You would think the human was a queen or something. Their emotions were nervous excited over her. I was on edge.

Isabella swan-17, was moving to Forks to live with her father the chief of police. Turns out her mother was flighty. And left with Bella at a young age. Most hadn't seen her in a while. And Bella quit visiting her father. Town gossip queen, Jessica Stanley, made sure people heard her telling her squad that news. Why anyone liked that girl was beyond me?

I looked to Emmett and grabbed his hand. He was my rock.

"Hey Jazz are you okay? We can take off if you want." Oh how I loved him.

"No that's fine. Something is telling me that we need to be here plus I really want to get a read on the human."

"Okay. If your sure?" He pulled me in for a kiss.

I pulled away. "Come on my teddy bear. Don't wanna be late for class." He laughed grabbing my hand as we made our way to class.

By lunch. We had all had a run in with people who came in contact with her. And most were saying rude things about here. Or they where lusting after her.

"Did you see how hot that Bella chick was?" Lust.

"I know right. She was in my class either. I give a week before she's begging to get into my pants" Ugh. An extreme amount of lust. It's almost sickening. I felt so bad for this Bella.

"Yeah right, she's like so ugly. I give it a week before she going back to where she came from." Extreme jealously.

"I hope she's not going think she can come here and take over our spots it won't work." Jealousy in high amounts. See what I told you hell.

But then in she came smelling like home. Sunshine and flowers. And it felt like I was being pulled to her.


It was then that I looked at her and felt her emotions.

Calm but on edge.

Nervous but happy.

I had to admit it was an odd combination for a human girl to have. But if you were going to befriend vampires you had to be odd.

She very pretty. Long mahogany hair framed her baby like face. Eyes like melting chocolate. I wanted her. And a body I could see me holding.

Her emotions were the best I'd felt all day.

She was shy and calm but an undercurrent of curiosity. See defiantly odd.

 Probably because of us.

I smiled when she looked our way. She blushed and looked away.

I looked at Em and he was looking at me. Feeling shock. This was a changing moment.

I looked at Alice. She mouthed "told you." Smiling.

I turned back to Bella who was looking at us. I smiled at her again. Hoping that she would love us like I was starting to love her. Well this was going to be a very interesting year.

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