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For me, growing up was hard. I pretty much raised myself. Mom and dad divorced; and my mom, she basically ripped me away from my father, Charlie. She never loved him. Well, I don't think so anyways. Although to hear her talk; high school romances were important character builders. Though also according to her they never work. So, you can't listen to her on that. I never do.

When I came along; mom pretty much used my dad for a baby sitter while she was out doing whatever she did. Which was cheating on him and doing drugs. And if I would have had a say; I would have stayed with him. But I was too young at the time and didn’t get a chance.

When dad got a job as Chief of Police. Mom wasn't happy, so she kidnapped me. Took me away in the middle of the night. I haven't seen my dad since. I did try to run away as I got older to try and find him. I was always found and brought back to my mom.

She left me with anyone who take me after that. I mean anyone. When I was ten she left my at the store. Told me that she was going to do grown up stuff. And she would be back for me. At closing time. And guess what she never showed so I had to walk home.

I'm not complaining really. It's just Renee was a horrible mom. And the men she would date were worse. Drugs, alcohol, and trying to rape me. I had enough.

Around 15 I got a job. I just didn't want us to homeless anymore. I saved until I had enough to get rent and a month of utilities. Mom didn't not care and would just keep ignoring me.

I decided I was not going to pay bills or fake happy. And I didn't want to let my moms men hurt me. Phil, my moms new man, was a nice enough guy. Not like her other ones. But he still looked at me sometimes like he would like to take me to bed. And that creeped me out. Like he was only with my mom to get to me. But that was most of the guys she dated. Though, she didn't believe it I'm sure. If she did she wasn't disagreeing. The only reason my mom was with him was because he bought her things. And had a bit of money. And to to mom if you had money, she would sleep with and use you until you were broke.

You see Phil was a minor league baseball player. He made more than I did. And once his feelings for my mom turned to love that was the end of it. For me. I was going to find a way out. I wouldn't make it running away. Cause I could be caught easy. Most people loved my mom. I thought they best way was to contact my father.

When I was little mom had gotten a call from my father. She never answered but I had a feeling she had kept his number. So, one night while mom and Phil were getting busy in the bedroom, I went snooping.

It took five minutes but I finally found a number in Forks Washington. I googled it,and it was listed to my father, but anyways; I knew I couldn't call him that night. I promised myself that I would the next time I got alone time. And I prayed with everything that my mom never caught wind of all this until I had already gone.


Two Weeks Later:

Today was the day I was finally going to hear my father’s voice. I had no memory of him other than a picture I had found in a box that my mom hid. Or so she thought. She wasn't good at hiding things.

I was both excited and nervous. Nothing was going to stop me. I picked up my cell off the table and dialed the number. He picked up after three rings.

---------------phone call----------------

"Hello is Charles Swan there?" I know I was nervous but I was hoping that it didn't echo in my voice.

"This is him." A very muscular sounding voice sounded through the phone. I could tell he was confused and that by the sound of voice I wasn't my mom. I hoped that thought would stick with him and he wouldn't be mad.

"Hi this is Isabella. Your daughter. I'm not supposed to call you. Mom would be very mad. I just found your number and was curious to talk with you." I was rambling by the end. My nervousness was getting to me.

"Isabella is it really you." He sounded sad and happy all at the same time.

"Yes daddy it is. I stole you number from a drawer in the kitchen. Mom hid it from me." Knowing he was happy that it was me was a big relief.

"Oh baby it's so good to finally get to talk to you. I love you so much. And have missed you all these years." He sounded like he was crying. And that made me want to tear up. After all these years my father loved me. And in that moment I knew if I could live with my father I could be okay.

"I've missed you to daddy so much. Moms not a good woman and I've practically raised myself. I was wondering if I could come live with you." I wasn't sure if he would agree seeing as he is a bachelor.

"Baby you can live with me anytime you want. And I know about your mom. I'm sorry I couldn't take you back from her. I tried but I don't have the money to go to court with it. I was waiting till you turned 18 and found me. But I didn't have to wait until then I guess." You could practically here the wheels turning. I smiled.

"Well I have some savings left from the bills and I think I'll be good to buy a one way ticket. When I get one I'll get you the details and see you as soon as I can. I love you daddy. Mom will be home soon though and I don't want her finding out I got in contact with you just yet. Goodnight and goodbye for now." I was sad to say goodbye but there was things that needed to be done and plans to make.

"Okay baby. Stay safe and I'll talk to you soon. Bye for now." You could tell that he was sad to let the conversation go.

"Bye daddy I love you and can't wait to see you." And with that we hung up.

---------------end of phone call------------

With that part of my night over I began searching finding cheap tickets. I would leave the next game Phil has mom attend. I'm hoping she will go to the away game. That would have me out in a few days.

Once I found one I liked I saved it to my screen. I could not wait.

 Once I got outta here I wasn't looking back no matter what. New life. New me.

I smiled.

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