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My family really underestimates me. They all think is 'Emmett, all he ever does is joke' and 'Was he dropped on his head as a baby; when he was human?' The answer is no my mom didn't drop me on my head as child. Let me tell you; I fucking hate it. I mean so what I joked and played video games. It was better then being bitchy and moody. Or like they had a stick up their ass like Eddie. If I was being totally honest none of my so called siblings understood me. Well I know Jasper did. But that was because we are mates.

But I'm sure you don’t want to hear me complaining about that. No, I bet your wandering how me and Jasper got together. I would be too. I mean he's sexy and has heart of gold. My perfect match.

Well let me tell you. It didn't start off well at first and this isn't some fairytale stuff. In the end though I wore him down.

The day he arrived, me and Mr. Moody himself, Edward, or as i call him Eddie, were hunting. I bagged two deer and a bear. Anyways, we were on the way back when Eddie’s face started looking like he was going to throw up. I thought it was funny even now, But had to play caring brother.


"Hey dude you don't look so good. What's wrong drink some stale blood?" I laughed. Stale blood always made me sick. Especially animal blood.

"No, you big doofus. There is someone close in my hearing range. And what he's thinking about… oh god. It's disgusting. Let's hurry up and make sure everyone is okay." With that we ran to the house as fast as we could. Of course, Eddie bet me back.

" YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS CARLISLE???THEY ARE A DANGER TO US. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM." Uh-oh moody puss was mad about the new comers. I casually walked in the house, to living room were they all were.

There was a sprite of a girl with short dark hair in spikes. And a cowboy looking scared up man with the blondest hair I had ever seen. Next to Carlisle’s and Rose’s.

I chose this moment to speak.

"Um, what's going on in here? I could hear Moodward from outside, yelling."

"I'm Alice and this is Jasper Whitlock. I have visions that led me to finding him then your family. We wanted to learn Carlisle's way of hunting. We want to be apart of your family."

"Well alright, I'm Emmett McCarty. Welcome. If you guys need me I'll be in my room."

--------------End of flashback---------------

With Eddie being pissed off at the world and Carlisle. I pretty much stayed away. Didn’t like to be near the family when he was in one of his moods.

I caught glimpses of Jasper every so often. And let me tell you he was gorgeous. From his sexy body to his sexy hair. I wanted him almost as soon as I had seen him.  I started having feelings for him. And I knew he liked me on some level, but we never got more than a few minutes together without something or someone pulling our attention in other ways. Though I think that was purposefully done.

Then years later after talking with Carlisle about my feelings I got up the nerve and spoke out to him. Though I had to admit I thought Carlisle looked a bit disgusted by it. But he never said a word and still excepted me.


"Hey Jazz, man can we have a few minutes to talk. There's something kinda important I wanna talk to you about." He looked up at me and put down his civil war book.

"Sure Em, we can go to my office." I followed him up the stairs and when I went in to his office I sat in the chair in front of his desk. He sat on the edge of his desk after locking and shutting the door.

"So um here's the thing. I've been having feelings for you." I couldn't look at him in the eyes.

"Oh um Em, I... I'm not sure I really understand. Sure, you've been lustful around me; but you've also been sad." I felt like I wanted to run away, and I did try to stand, but I told myself to explain things then run.

"Look I know we haven't spent much time alone to get to know each other. But I believe I'm your mate. Or at least one of them. I'm pulled to you. It will hurt when you turn me away but I do understand."

"I feel the mating call too Em. But I'm-not fully healed enough to take on my mate or be intimate. I'm sorry. I'm not saying that in the future we won't be more just not now." And that was the last straw. I ran and ran. I stayed away from my new family (I know Emmett didn't do this in Twilight but I'm adding it to story).

----------End of flashback-----------------

I went off on my own for ten years or so; with calls back home, sometimes. I didn't hate him, but I also didn't want him to know how much I was hurting.

Alice called a lot promising that things would be better and that Jasper was going to get his ass together and come for me. Like I said not a fucking fairytale.

In the tenth year I had gotten a call from a friend of Jasper's. Peter. His gift told him to call and he did. We got along great and I was happy again. At least a had a friend. A true brother. And someone I could talk to about my feeling for Jasper. Someone who loved Jasper. Only Pete’s love was brotherly. Thank god. Anyway, months into our conversations, he let me know that Jasper was hurting and needed me to get to him. And so I went home, back to Jasper.

Jasper was almost feral by the time I got back. And had killed humans in his wake. The family had vampire chains holding him up in his room t keep him in the house. My heart ached seeing this. I spent time with him and begged the family to release him. I was Rosalie and Alice that brought me the key later on that night after the family was out doing damage control.

That was first time I got to meet the Major. And my god did my dick strain my pants. But not for long. When he caught my scent he lunged at me. He rid me of clothes and fucked the shit outta me. He marked me. And I was his. And he have been to get her since. He apologized when Jasper came back. Promising that he would do anything to keep me at his side.

But today was a big day. Peter has texted me that there was a new girl coming to town that would change our lives.

It was all that surprising when while at lunch Jazz and her were staring at each other. I was shocked at her beauty. I wanted her like I wanted Jazz. Oh shit she was our mate. What the fuck was fate going to throw at us next?

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