Beyonce and Kelly are back, Where's.....

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Janice almost jumped off the couch when she heard the front doors unlocked and Chardae came strolling in all smiles.

"Hey, baby girl," Chardae said as Janice ran up and hugged her. "I see someone missed me."

"Yes," Janice looking Chardae over.

"Never better," Chardae smiled. "I got the group back together."

"What?" Janice asked confused.

"Bring out Kelly," Chardae almost couldn't contain her excitement.

"Um ok, " Janice looked hesitant for a second but went in Chardae's bedroom to get the case Kelly was in.

Janice came and placed the case on the table in the living room. "Why you wanted Kelly?"

Janice looked up to see Chardae smiling from ear to ear holding what looked like Beyonce, her faithful nine millimeter Glock 17 with the BM embedded on the handle. It looked good as new even polished.

"What? How?" Janice was speechless.

Janice hadn't seen that gun in over eight years since the last time Chardae used it was to end her ex boyfriend's life. Chardae had given up her freedom that day using that gun. Janice now felt like it was bad mojo.

"Don't worry about that," Chardae said waving the question away. "Just celebrate with your girl on getting the group together."

Chardae picked up Kelly with her other hand and gripped Beyonce tight. She could feel the power of having the dynamic duo so close together.

"Now I guess you're not going to want Kelly?" Janice pouted a little.

Janice had went through a lot of work getting Kelly for Chardae.

Chardae saw her friend's pout.

"You know I can't get rid of Kelly," Chardae smiled. "She still can sing lead sometimes."

Chardae laughed causing Janice to laugh too.

"Glad you got Beyonce back," Janice said then paused. "Wait. Isn't Beyonce supposed to be locked up somewhere. You can't let no one catch you..."

Chardae's smile caught her off. "Trust me, Jay. Anybody who sees Beyonce, isn't going to be around to tell someone she preformed."

Janice laughed again. Chardae was right. Beyonce only sung for private audiences. It just happened that Janice's last boyfriend, Tyrel, got a front row seat to her last concert.

"Well, I guess that's good news," Janice was still uneasy about it.

All Janice knew was Chardae went out of town and then she comes back with her old smoking gun that last time she checked was supposed to be locked up in a police station's evidence room.

Janice didn't like the sound of it but Chardae seemed happy so she didn't want to break that spirit.

Janice just sat back down on the couch.

"I guess the out of state trip was a productive one?" Janice said.

"Not really," Chardae placed both guns on the table and sat beside Janice on the couch.

"What happened?" Janice asked.

"I met a female kingpin," Chardae smiled then laughed. "Or should I say Queen pin."

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