Chapter 7: You're Insane

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I had Maggie's hand in mine and we ran out of the venue. We continued running until we were far enough away from the venue. We were playing in New York City tonight and there was so much Maggie and I could do.

"Why are we running?" She asked me.

"Cause Nick told me I wasn't allowed to leave..."

She stopped running, shook her head and smiled. 

"You're insane..." She said and I smiled.

"You have no idea. Come on." 

We walked for what seemed like forever.  We passed by pretzel carts, homeless people, museums, anything you could think of in NYC we passed it. 

"Riley, where the hell are we going?" She asked stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. "Do you even know?"

"Of course I know."

"No you don't. Maybe we should just head back to the venue." She said turning to walk away. 

"Maggie, wait. How about frozen yogurt?" I asked with hope in my eyes.

"Do you even know where a frozen yogurt place is?" 

"No, but I'm sure there's one near by...."

"Riley, I'm going back. I'll see you later." 

With that she was taking steps away from me. Once her back was completely facing me disappointment spread across my face. Why didn't she want to spend time with me? To be honest, I had no plan. I was just hoping she'd enjoy walking with me so I could get to know her. Something about her makes me feel different. She reminds me so much of Andy except Maggie wants nothing to do with me, so it seems. 

I shoved my hands in my pockets and kicked a pebble that was on the sidewalk. I started walking not knowing where I'd end up. I looked at the time on my phone, 6PM. The show would be starting in an hour. I felt an emptiness inside of me, like something was missing, or someone. Before I knew it I reached Central Park. 

"Riley..." I faintly heard a soft voice call my name. I turned around and saw no one. 

"Rileyyy...." I stopped walking and looked around in all directions. It was getting late and not many people were in the park. I looked around once more and spotted a girl on a bench. Andy.

Before I could walk over my phone began to blow up. I looked at it to see Connor calling me. I simply ignored it. When I looked back up at the bench Andy was gone. Was she ever actually there? 

A/N: I know everytime I update it is super short and I'm sorry. I just have no motivation to write but I still want to update for you guys! I don't think I'm liking this sequel too much but I hope you guys are liking it. Comment and Vote!!! :P

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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