Chapter 6: It's Crooked

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I woke up the next morning staring at the top of my bunk. I rolled over onto my side and reached to pull the curtain on my bunk back. Before I even moved the curtain I stopped myself when I heard people arguing. 

"We can't cancel the tour." I heard someone say. I believe it was our manager. 

"It's what's best for Riley." I heard a female say. It had to be my mom. 

"My mom's right. He can't stay on the road. He'll just get worse." Connor replied. I could hear the disappointment in his voice and my heart sank. 

"If you don't finish this tour your career could be over. This could be it." 

"I'd rather loose my career than my brother, Ian." Connor said to our manager. "Once Nick wakes up I'm telling him to cancel the shows." 

I heard Ian sigh and he then continued to talk with my mother. I heard footsteps coming closer to my bunk and I stuck my head out. 

"Connor...." I trailed off. 

"Riley? You're awake? Good morning." 

"Don't cancel the tour." I told him and he was taken back. 


"Don't. Cancel. The. Tour." I said slowly. 

"Riley, I don't want a repeat of last night. You're finally happy and okay. I don't want you to go back to who you used to be."

"Connor, I'll never be completely okay. I'm not always going to be happy either." I let out a sigh and I looked at Connor, "Just please...don't cancel this tour." 

"Fine..." He said and took a deep breath, "We won't cancel it." 


We arrived at the venue about an hour later. It was the same thing everyday. Unload, soundcheck, free time, press and interviews, show time, and then bus party. 

After I helped unload our trailor and finished up soundcheck. I walked over to the merch tables. I saw Maggie laying out shirts on her table. 

"Hey." I said poking her shoulder.

"Oh my..." She jumped knocking CDs and bracelets onto the floor. "Uhm hi."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I said kneeling down to help her pick up the things that had fallen. 

I watched her as she carefully placed each item back on the table. She'd move them so they were perfectly in line with one another. She walked around to the other side of the table and started hanging shirts up. I watched as she stretched to reach one of the clips. (If you've ever seen a merch table you know what I'm talking about k?)

"Do you need help?" I asked her walking around the table. 

"No, I'm fine. I think. Yea, help would be nice." She said quickly. I chuckled and took the clip and shirt from her small pale hands. I clipped the shirt up successfully and her facial expression quickly changed. 

"What?" I asked glancing at the shirt.

"It's crooked." 

"No, it's not." 

"Yes it is. This side should be moved down more." 




"I am not doing this with you." She smiled. "Can you please move it for me?" She asked shyly. 

"Only if you come with me after you're done setting up the table."

"Where are we going?"

"I can't tell you." I told her smiling mischeiviously. 

"I uhh really don't know if I should trust you." She said nervously. 

"Why not?" 

"Well, you didn't tell me you were the lead in the opening band...." 

I reached up to fix the shirt and then looked at her, "Just come with me." I said grabbing her hand and leading her out of the venue. 

A/N: This is just a filler and I'm sorry if it sucks. I have no motivation to write anymore but I'm trying! Comment and vote! :)

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