Chapter 2: Are You Still Mad at Me?

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I woke around eleven the next day. It was my first day of summer and I wasn't feeling as happy as I should be. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I sat down on a stool at our breakfast bar and ate. It wasn't long before Connor came downstairs and sat next to me. 

"You still mad at me?" He asked.

"No, I wasn't mad at you in the first place. I was just disappointed."

"I'm sorry."

I continued eating and we sat there in silence. I could feel the urge that Connor had to say something to me but he wouldn't let it out. 

"Come with me today."

"Where?" I asked taking the last bite of my cereal.

"I'm going guitar shopping. I need a new one for-" He stopped talking when he got to the word, tour. I sighed and got up to put my bowl in the dishwasher. Connor sat there thinking of what to say next. 

"Ill go with you." I told him and his face stretched into a smile.

"Sweet, we'll leave around noon, k?" 

"Sounds good." 

I headed upstairs to shower and get ready to go with Connor. Maybe tour wouldn't be so bad. Maybe it'd help me. Seeing fans could put a smile on my face and make me forget everything that hurts and everything that's wrong. 

A/N: Sucky chapter but it's just a filler i guess. I just wanted to update. Vote and Comment :)

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