Chapter 1: Graduation Day

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Daniel Adams...

I sat quiet and still as each name was called. Colors of red and white walked before me onto a stage taking a single rolled up piece of paper. 

Emily Anderson...

My palms were sweaty but I wasn't nervous. 

Henry Cooper...

I was actually relieved. It was graduation day. The day I've longed for. The day when I am officially out of this hell hole they call school. I had to sit here until they got to the M's. I listened carefully at each letter. D......E.....F.....G.....H.....I......

Andrea Johnson...

I looked up slowly as she stood in her white cap and gown. I paid attention to every step she took and how flawless she was. I took my eyes off of her right away knowing that I couldn't have her because she made me insane. Isn't love supposed to be insane? She walked back down to her seat and she quickly locked her eyes with mine and we shared a small smile. She turned away and I went back to fiddling my thumbs hoping this would go quicker. 


Riley McDonough...

I heard my name echo through the loud speakers and cheers erupt from my family. I stood up and took my walk to the stage. I shook the principles hand and took my diploma in the other. I did it. I was out of here. 


"Congratualtions, honey!" My mom hugged me after the ceremony. "Where do you want to go for dinner?"

"Oh, anywhere is fine." I told her. 

"Dude, you're the graduate. You get to pick." Connor started, "I picked when I graduated." 

"Pizza?" I suggested and my mom chuckled. 

"Okay, pizza it is." She said and we all made our way to the car. 

The car ride was only twenty minutes but it seemed like an eternity. I could hear my stomach rumbling and the faint sound of the radio. I had no idea what I'd be doing in the future and my mind pondered on it while in the car. So many thoughts and ideas about my future went through my head until they came to a stop when my dad spoke. 

"So, Connor, did Scooter call you about that tour schedule yet?" My dad asked Connor. 

Connor's head shot up and his eyes grew wide. He glanced over at me and then back to the drivers seat where my dad was seated. 

"Uhm, no. No, not yet." Connor replied and I could tell he was nervous.

"Alright, well I know you boys will be super busy this summer." 

I looked at Connor and he looked at me apologetically. I just sighed and got out of the car and headed into Pizza Hut. 

I didn't say a single word to Connor during dinner. I held everything in, which I am pretty good at, until we got home and were upstairs. We stood in the middle of the hallway inbetween our bedrooms doors.

"Ri, look, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. I was waiting for a good time and-"

"Tell me? Connor, you didn't even ask me!" I raised my voice a bit. "I don't know if I'm ready to work again and get back out on the road!"

"I know, Riley and I'm sorry. Management called and told me we had to tour or we were done. What was I supposed to do?" Connor informed me.

"I just wish you would've asked when you got the phone call...." I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'll be there with you everyday Riley. I'll make sure you're okay and that you stay that way. I promise."

I let out a deep sigh and ran my fingers through my hair, "Can we just discuss this tomorrow? It's late and I'm tired." I asked.

"Yea...goodnight, Ri." Connor said softly and turned to his bedroom door.

"Night." I said just as Connor walked into his room and shut the door.  

I laid in my bed wide awake almost the entire night. I pondered on tour and thought about Andy. Seeing her walk up on stage and get her diploma made my heart ache. Just knowing that she's leaving for college hurts me. The pain in my chest was distracting and I needed something to take my mind off of it. I thought about how happy the fans would be at shows but then I thought about my issues and what would happen to me if I went back on tour. So many thoughts ran through my mind and my eyes didn't get heavy until 4am. 

A/N: First chapter of my sequel to Crazy Love!!! I know it sucks and I'm sorry. The story will hopefully get better. I don't even have a storyline made up. I'm making it up as I go! Vote, Comment, ETC. 

P.S. I'm having a BYE hotel party in Seacaucus, NJ on June 20th. If any of you are interested in coming feel free to message me on here or DM me on twitter @PaigeMcDonut or @PaigeMeBeepMe!

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