Chapter four

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~ Tori's p.o.v ~

I was starving and for some reason instead of finding a way out of here I am waiting for my kidnapper to come back with food I know I am so stupid.

"Hey there baby girl" said a voice out from no where making me jump.

"No need to be sacred it's just me Hades I am your fathers brother along with your kidnapper Poseidon"

"Get away from me" I yelled but that didn't help he only came closer and closer and closer

"Why you scared, but I could never touch you do to the fact that you're my brother's eye of affection"

"I am not his eye of affection I am his captive"

"Keep telling your self that

Sweetheart" right after ha said that a booming voice came from the doorway saying "get the hell away from her hades"

He then proceeded to get off of the bed which he was sitting on gave his brother a dirty look and left the room.

Poseidon then ran to my side asking what he did to me and all I said to him was that "he told me that I was the eye of your affection"

"It is true that you are the eye of my affection and that I kidnapped you for that reason, oh and your dad is currently being held in the underworld (hell) by our brother Hades"

"You monster let me go"


"Why not"

"Because your mine"

"I do not belong to any one"

"That's it little girl" and with that he then proceeded to crash his lips to mine he then tried to deepen the kiss but when I refused he let out a low growl and proceeded to get off of me and storm out of the room. "After telling me to eat"

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