chapter two #2

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~Tori's p.o.v~

I woke up to the rocking of a boat. And the smell of eggs and bacon.

But as I tried to sit up something pulled me back down to the bed then the sting from the rope burns set in. And that's when I realized that I was tied down to the bed. I started to panic and struggle, but all it did was make my wrists and ankles sore and raw. But that didn't stop me from trying to get free. As I continued to struggle there came a deep laugh echoed.

"You won't be able to get out, they are specially made for you."

"You won't get away with this my parents will find you and kill you for taking me'

"You see that's where you are wrong your father can't come to this part of the world due to the fact that if he does it will create a war"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Your father the king of the gods, if he comes into other one of the gods realms with out permission first it means he is declaring war"

"So I am pretty sure he will do anything to save me, I mean I am his daughter"

"true but there is also a force field and a clocking device keeping us from turning up on all the radar's in the town, oh and by the way I am your fathers brother Poseidon, he did tell that we are the Greek gods right because if not you would think I am crazy"

"Yes he did now can I please have something to eat and drink I am starving and preached"

"sure but first we have to go over the rules there are six rules you better remember them all because I am not repeating them 1) you only talk if spoken to 2) you are to do as your told 3) you will always use manners 4) you wear what I say you can wear 5) if. You fail to remember these rules you will be punished same thing goes if you break them 6) and you will call me master, am I clear.

"Yes master"

"Good now if I am correct you said you were hungry, so let's go get you something to eat"

~Poseidon's p.o.v~

as I leave the room to go get her something to eat I can't stop thinking about her I mean ever since I saw her that day in the hospital the day of her birth, I just knew it was her and that we were meant to be together although I now have to find a way to gain her trust, just as I was nearing the kitchen door I voice came out of nowhere and startled me out of my thoughts.

"Sir your brother is requesting an audience with you"

"Which brother"

"The one from the underworld"

"You mean hades"

"That's the one"

"Let him in"

"Ok sir"

great so now I have to sit in a boring meeting with the one person I hate more then my brother Zeus, who of course is the father of tori the girl I kidnapped.

"Hello brother"

"Hello indeed"

"I come to say that I have Zeus in my custody in the underworld and that his wife is dead"

"Really how did you do it?"

"It was easy all I did was tell him that I can help him get back his daughter if he came down and did me a favor while he was in the underworld I had some one kill his wife and then tie him up"

"Wow I did not know you where able to do something like that"

"Thanks it means a lot"


"No I was being sarcastic, and I have work to do so leave before I through you out"

"Fine bye"

Thank god that is over it is weird using that expression considering I am a god, what ever any who what was I doing before I was interrupted, oh right getting food for my pet Tori.

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