chapter 12

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"Ok so I am supposedly this savior and have a bunch of different powers that have yet to come in and one of them is controlling fire like I did just before"

"Yes it's not that complicated of a concept to get"

"It is for me, are you forgetting that you raised me away from this life and also away from civilization"

"Oh ya sorry about that"

"You better be"

"Hey watch what you say I am still your father"

"I am sorry daddy"

"That's better now we need to talk about what we are going to do know"

~hades p.o.v~

"What do you mean he's gone he can't just disappear into thin air?"

"What do you mean there was no one here but us"

"Persephone what did you do"

"I did nothing and how come every time something goes wrong around here you always blame me"

"No I don't"

"Yes you do and I am sick of it"

"I never realized I blamed you every time something went wrong"


"So what"

"So I am sorry"

"If your apologizing then that means you want something from me"

"No I don't"

"Sure whatever you say" she yells over her shoulder as she storms out of the room and up the stairs into the tower

As I watch her go my mind starts to wonder about weather or not I should move her out of the tower and into my room, and do I really blame her for everything that goes wrong around here. As my mind ponders on these things I barley failed to notice the glowing white pearl that was half hiding under the coach in the main living room. Where I had my brother Zeus captive.

"Persephone we need to talk" I yell as I storm up three flights of stairs to the tower to get the truth out of that little lying bitch.

~Zeus's p.o.v~

Now that I managed to convince my daughter that I am telling her the truth and that her mother was a werewolf and that my brother Poseidon was her soul mate because she's half werewolf. And that my brother Poseidon and I are the gods of the sky and sea and we rule over the world with our other siblings she finally decided that she could trust me but not so much my brother.

Now here we are ten hours later thinking of ways for her to learn how to use her powers and train in secret with all of us gods except for our brother the god of the underworld hades. Who we learned is working with our father kronos in order to kill my daughter tori, take her powers and use them to destroy Olympus.

"So how about this one" chimed in my brother the sea god startling me out of my thoughts

"Can I see it?"

"Ya it's on the water table"


"Should we show it to tori?"

"no let her sleep she's had a long and hard day" I said as I watched my beloved daughter sleep so peacefully like she has no care in the world and I feel like waking her up at the moment would shatter that world forever. I just can't do that too her.

"So do you like" came a voice pulling out of my thoughts and back into the real world were an unhappy and sad mood lingers in the air all around world and that feeling that something big and bad is coming and when it does it will strike hard and fast and no one will escape it.

"Ya I do but the one problem with the plan is that he can't come to us she will have to go too him"

"Ya I guess that is a problem"

~tori's p.o.v~

As the dream raged on I watched everyone I loved die and everyone that I don't like or haven't met yet also die for me by being burnt alive in a field of fire and lost souls. Were death goes to die and the stench of burnt flowers mixed with sweet white wine and strawberries linger in the air. It's such a delicious smell but yet disgusting at the same time.

There are demons everywhere and this huge giant that seemed to be made of lava and rock yelling commands out to the demons and some of the human teenagers that worked with him as well. and all I could is to stand there and watch as people died and people lived but watching this made me cry and just want to scream at the horror that was around me but when I open my mouth nothing comes out like my voice was stolen away.

As they advanced on me and my army some guy named Apollo grabbed my hand and together we ran into the fairest to a bunch of other people who were all gods like him and he started telling them we have to leave or we will all die.

I watch in horror as the demons jump down from the trees surrounding us and start shooting but it wasn't the gods they were shooting at it was me.

And all I was able to do was stand there unable too move any part of my body I was defenseless and paralyzed and as they netted the gods were knocked out of there way they grabbed me and as they took me all I was able too here were the gods yelling at me that they will find me and they will do what ever it takes to do it.

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