chapter 17

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~Hades p.o.v~

as i try to lift my head from my pillow this excruciating pain shoots through my entire body and causes my head to feel like it's going to explode.

"the hell happened" i manage to groan out

"good your wake" came a voice out of no where

"show yourself or else i will send you to the fields of torment and anguish where you will spend the rest of eternity" i commanded

"i don't think thats necessary brother" came the voice as it walked into the light

"Poseidon what are you doing here" i asked surprised

"i need your help" asked my brother Poseidon with a smug look on his face

~Apollo's p.o.v~

it's been three hours and we are still looking for Poseidon

"where could Poseidon be" said Zeus causing me to snap out of my thoughts

"he could be in the underworld for all we know" Answered Hermes

"good point so who out of all of us is going to go down into the underworld" said Ares

"we can't go down there" i said

"and why's that" asked Hera

"because Poseidon new of our plans which now means we have to change them" said Zeus in bored voice

"finally someone who understands" i yelled with my hands up in a surrender position

"so if Poseidon know of our plans, then doesn't that mean that he aslo know where we are and how to get here" said Dionysus

"he's right we need to find a new place to hide out" said Artemis

~Three Hours Later~

the doors of the conference room where blown to nothing but tiny pieces of metal

splinters. the ceiling was missing pieces of the glass dome and all the gods were on the floor with smoke billowing from there heads.

"what in the name of Hades happened here" yelled Apollo as he barged into the currently smoking room

"i think a bomb went off" exclaimed Tori with an amused expression

"it sure looks that way doesn't it" said hermes appearing out of no where covered in dust and what looks a lot like baby animal bones.

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