10 - Something Isn't Right

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Sorry for the sudden time skip lol I just needed to move the story along to the drama lol

Having the gang back together is incredible. When Freddie finishes his classes at college, when I finish a baby sitting job and when Carly ends her shift at one of the stores in the mall, we all go out to Bots together. Kind of like back in Seattle where we would all go out to the Groovy Smoothie. Only this time, I don't want to rip out Freddies jugular.

It's been about three months since Carly and Spencer moved to L.A. which means me and Fredward have been together for almost four months. Dice found a replacement for the fight, which made Freddison happy. Everything is perfecto.

Cat has made friends with Carly. At first she would scream whenever she saw her. Now she's more calm. She's written way more songs and even finished her first album called Yours Truly. She's now working on an album she wants to be called My Everthing.

I fell someone shaking my bed and I kick my legs out to try and get them away. When my foot connects with the attacker, I hear a high pitched squeak and then a thump to the ground. Damn it. I kicked Cat again.

"Cat! Why would you wake me up like that?" I groan, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and rubbing my eyes. I hate mornings. I always have, I always will.

"We have to babysit a 7 year old girl today! Her name is Amanda but her mother said she likes to be called Mandy. She's almost here Sam! Get up!" Cat explains, standing up and grabbing my hand. I immediately pull it away and stand up on my own.

"Let me shower and get ready first. I smell like..." I take a second to breathe in my scent. "Something climbed in my clothing and had babies and died."

Cat makes a disgusted face before turning on her heel and leaving me be.


"Thank you so much, Sam and Cat!" Mandy's mother told us, handing us $50. "I will call you if I need anyone to babysit Amanda again."

"Of course! Bye!" Cat had closed the door and was now putting the money in our money jar. "That's almost $1,789, Sam!"

I nod my head, not really listening as I scroll through Instagram. Then I get a notification saying that Carly had posted on her story for the first time in a while.

I open her Instagram story and it's a photo of a plate of food. It all looks fine and dandy until I see the caption and who she has tagged.

Had a great time with you today! Must do it again xx @ freddieb

Why would they go somewhere and not invite me? Surely they would have told me about it. Also, I'm pretty sure Freddie had college today. That's what he told me anyways. Are they hiding something from me?

I try not to think anything of it. They're friends, and have been for as long as I can remember. They probably wanted to catch up on their own. I mean, it's not a big deal.

Something tells me that it is a big deal and that I shouldn't be cool with this. I brush that feeling off and I try to think positive. There is nothing going on between them.

I must have been zoned out for a while cause Cat had left the room. I decide it would be a good idea to try and find her.

"Cat? Ca-at? CAT?!" Nothing. She must have left.

Oh well. I decide to go to the Shays apartment to see if Carly is there. Even though she's probably not, if she's hanging out with Freddie.

I lock my door and walk to the apartment across from me. Not even bothering to knock, I walk on in. "Carls? You in here?"

I see Carly and Freddie in the apartment and it seems they are at least five feet away from eachother. They both have shocked expressions on their faces. I shrug it off and make my way over to them.

"Hey guys." I say, quickly planting a kiss on Freddies lips and greeting Carly with a smile. "What did you guys do today?"

Then glance at eachother and back to me. "Oh.. we... uh went to Bots." Carly stutters.

"I thought you were both busy today though?" I ask. In my head, I'm cursing my self out for it. Damn. Now I sound jealous.

Freddie is the next one to talk. "Oh. I got my timetable wrong. I didn't have any classes today. We were going to invite you but then I remembered you told me your were babysitting someone today."

"I did?" Honestly, everything's been a blur, I can't even remember if I did tell him or not.

He nods. "Yeah."

I'm gonna shock y'all with a new POV. It's just Freddie though lol

Freddies Point Of View

I watch as Carly posts the photo of her meal from earlier. We were at Bots hanging out like we used to. Only this time, we didn't have Sam. In my defense, Carly came up with the idea.

We were now back at her apartment. She was going on about something but all I could think was how bad I feel that we didn't invite Sam. If she sees Carly's story, and asks why we didn't invite her I'll have to come up with a really good excuse. I only hope she is babysitting someone. I'm pretty sure she is, I remember her saying something about it.

"I'm going to get a Peppy Cola. You want one?" Carly asks me, standing up and pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Um. Yeah." I reply. I stand up as well and make my way over to the kitchen with her.

I've noticed she's been really flirty with me lately and it's weird. She knows I'm with Sam, and that it's a pretty serious thing.

She stops before entering the little kitchen and turns to me. "You know, the more time I spend with you and Sam, the more I realise that I'm kind of into you."

I'm shocked. This can't be right. She notices my silence and kind of takes it as an approval for her to kiss me. She places her hands on my shoulders. "Woah, Carly.. W-what are you doing?"

She giggles. "What does it look like?" She leans in. Before she can make contact with my lips, someone turns the door knob. Thank God for whoever that is.

"Carls? You in here?" I hear Sam say whilst the door opens. Shit. I jump away from Carly, being the only one to respond quickly.

I can't let Sam find out about this. She will rip Carly's head off.


Hey kids. So like if you're wondering why I am posting chapters everyday, I actually have pre written the whole book. Like this book has consumed me and I'm afraid lol

So yeah, I'm just posting all the chapters as I go, one everyday. That's what I do because I hate when authors take a long time to update because I want to know what happens next.


- seddieelmao

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