9 - Drama and iCarly

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This past week has gone so slow. I've been waiting for Carly to come to L.A. since I came back from Seattle. The day has finally come!

Freddie came over to Cat and I's apartment so he could see the Shay siblings again since they are moving into the apartment across from mine.

Cat's sitting on the sofa writing another song whilst Freddie and I play Snap with a pack of cards.

It feels like him and I have been playing forever until he lays down a card the exact same as the card I out down.

"SNAP!" I yell, slapping the table so hard, everything shakes. "Take that, Freddio."

"Jesus Christ Sam. Do you really have to smack the table so hard?" He says in response. I guess someone's sad they didn't snap the cards in time.

"Yes. Of course I do." I put my cards down and go to the fridge. "Cat is there any left over mac 'n' cheese?"

The red haired girl looks up from her song book, flashing me a big smile. "Yeah! There's some on the bottom shelf of the fridge."

Sending her a nod, I pull out the tray of cheesy pasta place it on the counter. With a fork, I dig into it.

Freddie rolls his eyes at me. "Sam, why don't you heat it up?"

"Because I'm hungry now." I shove more of the pasta into my mouth. "Duh."

He cringes but doesn't say anything. I guess he still hates when I talk with my mouth full. What he needs to know is that, I'm probably never going to stop doing that.

The door bell rings and Cat imitates it before going to open it. "Oh. Hello, Dice."

"Hey Cat. Hey Sam. Hello guy that fell into the tuna tank and got sent to hospital." Dice walks into the apartment, PearPhone in hand.

"It's Freddie." Fredward tells the curly haired boy.

"Okay. I have a problem!" Dice calls out, ignoring Freddie. "It's big."

I roll my eyes before replying. "What has happened this time?"

The short boy quickly walks up to the counter to sit down. "Well, I have had this guy that wants to fight Goomer for ages now, and Goomer  won't fight him!"

"What do you want us to do about it?" I snap back, eating more cold macaroni.

"Sam, you're the only good fight I know. I need you too d-" He gets cut off by Freddie.

"Nope. I'm not letting Sam fight a guy." He says, strolling up to me and putting an arm around my shoulders. I say him away because one of my rules is you don't touch me while I'm eating.

Dice groans. "I need someone to do it! I can't find anyone willing to fight him!"

I grab the tray of Mac 'n' cheese and walk over to Dice. "I'll do it if you can't find anyone else to within two weeks. Got it?"

"Thank you Sam! I will try and find a replacement!" He exclaims before running to the door.

"If not, you know where to find me." He nods and leaves. Apparently he forgot how to close doors because he left the thing open.

Freddie stops me in my tracks before I can go can close it. "Sam, I don't want you fighting that guy. What if you get hurt?"

"Calm down, baby. Dice will find a replacement." I tell him, putting a hand to his cheek. I pull away when I hear someone that sounds suspiciously similar to Spencer Shay outside the apartment.

"Is this the one?" The man asks. His voice is followed by a more feminine voice that sounds like my best friend.

"I think so. They have their door open, we could ask them?" The girl tells the man. I turn around and it was them!

Before I can get to the door, Cat chimes in. "Why is the door open, Sam?"

"Because Dice doesn't know how to close doors." Freddie says, sitting down next to Cat.

I get to the door and it's Carly and Spencer! "Carls! Spence!"

The pair look my way before Carly runs to hug me. "Sam!"

This causes Freddie to look up. When he sees Carly, he runs up to us and wraps his arms around us, forcing a group hug.

Finally the gang is back together.


In a span of 24 hours, the three of us managed to plan a whole episode of iCarly. Well, Carly and Freddie did, I was eating Freddies cupboards for crackers.

"Alright come on! Let's not waste anytime! Sam, get out of Freddies crackers." Carly says, dragging me away from the kitchen and the salty crackers.

Freddie had his camera ready. As soon as we get into our positions he's already counting down. "In 5, 4, 3, 2."

"I'm Carly." My best friend announces.

"And I'm Sam!" I yell.

"And this is iCarly." We both exclaim together. I click one if the buttons on the blue remote that Carly had given back to me in Seattle.

"So this is a very special episode of iCarly." Carly says into the camera before looking at me.

"Why is that, Carly?" I ask her with a dorky expression. I hear Freddie try to stiffle a laugh from behind the camera.

"This is the first episode of iCarly in about one in a half, two years!" She explains, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. "So what's the plan?"

I laugh. "Well..."

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