4 - Please Work

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I finally pull up to the Bushwell building and it hasn't changed a bit. It's still that pale blue and it's still... well.. tall.

"This is it... Time to surprise Carly." I try to sike myself up as the nerves finally hit me.

Let's be real, I was expecting myself to be nervous, I mean, meeting my best friend after years of absolutely no contact. This is so insane.

So, I walk into the building with my bag in hand. That's when I see Lewbert at his desk, sleeping. Typical.

My legs start shaking as I walk up the stairs, all the way to 8C. A place I never thought I was step foot in again.

I stop in front of the door. Bringing my fist up to knock on the door was one of the hardest things ever. Why am I so scared. I was excited yesterday!

After I knock, I hear yelling coming from the inside.

"Spencer someone's at the door!"

"Can you get it??"

"I could, but I'm trying to call Freddie! I need to ask him why Sam isn't answering her phone!"

"Fine. Tell him a say hi. If he's with Sam, tell him to tell her I say hi."

I smile, knowing he can say hi when he see's me. The door opens.

"Wow, you look familiar. How can I help you?" Spencer asks once he opens the wooden door.

I hear Carly asking where I am to Freddie, he better not spill the beans before I do. "Spencer, it's me, Sam. You know, Sam Puckett."

"Oh my god? Really?! It's been so long!!" Spencer yells as he pulls me into a bear hug. Usually, I would step away, but this time, I'll let it slide. "What brings you here?"

"Suprising Carly for a week. That reminds me, do you think I could crash here?" I ask him. Hopefully he says yes.

"Of course! Come on in!" Spencer steps to the side allowing me to walk in.

As I out my bag down, I hear something drop to the floor and Freddies voice saying Carly's name over and over in a confused tone. I look up to see Carly sprinting towards me with open arms.

"Sam!! I can't believe you're here!! I missed you so much! I've heard something about you and Freddie but he won't confirm anything!! You need to tell me everything!" She yells whilst we engulf eachother in the tightest of hugs.

I laugh. "I will! You might want to tell Freddie I'm here though."

Carly let's go of me and picks up her phone. "Freddie! I found Sam!"

I could hear Freddies cute laugh from the phone. "That's good! Put me on speaker? I want to say hi!"

Carly obeys and puts my boyfriend on speaker. "Okay your on speaker!"

"Hey Sam! Did you get to Seattle okay?" Freddie asks me, it's funny because even through a phone call I can still tell his face is concerned.

"Of course! I'm talking to you aren't I?" I retort. What a cutie.

"Lovely! I'll see you when you get back?" He questions.

"Sure will!" I reply.

"Coolio. I'll leave you guys to it. Bye Carly! Bye Sam, I love you." Carly almost drops the phone again in shock.

"I love you too. See you in a week." I laugh.

He hangs up and Carly stares at me. "When. Where. How. WHAT?!"

"I'll tell you everything! Is the studio still a thing?" I ask Spencer, seeing as he's not in a state of shock right now.

"Sure is, I haven't touched it since Carly left." He responds.

"Cool. Let's go Carly, and I'll explain everything." I say as I grab her by the wrist and tug her upstairs.


"Wait so, you're saying that Freddie turned up at your apartment. In L.A. and said he still loves you?" Carly asks after I explain everything.

"Yeah. Then we got back together. Then you called and now I'm here." I say.

"Wait why are you here?" Shit.

I guess I'll just have to tell her the truth. "I was helping Freddie unpack his stuff yesterday and he had a photo of all of us in a frame. He told me how he wished we could continue iCarly. So I made a plan to come to Seattle to stay for a week and convince you and Spencer to come live in our apartment complex. That way, the gang is back together and we can start iCarly again!"

"How can we start iCarly again without a studio?" Carly asks me. "I mean, we did the show in this studio, we can't not do it in a studio."

"Freddie has a big room in his apartment that we can use as a studio. All we need is you and Spencer to come live in L.A." I tell her. "What do you say?"

Carly looks lost for a second. I can tell she's trying to find a way to make this happen. I can tell she's think about moving to L.A. where her friends are. I can also tell she's thinking of a way to convince Spencer.

"I'll go if Spencer goes. And I really want to go so we better go down and convince Spencer." She says smiling.

We get up and run downstairs to Spencer, who seems to be making a new sculpture.

"Spencer! I have to ask you something!" Carly says as she tries to catch her breath. "It's important."

"No you can't have my bookclub ladies make you some fruit tarts." Spencer replies. "You know I make them too."

"No! It's not that! Can we please move to L.A.? Freddie and Sam are there and we want to start iCarly but Freddie just moved there and won't be able to move back here. So can we please please please have a change of pace and move to L.A.?" Carly pleads with her older brother. "There are heaps of opportunities for your art there!"

Spencer looks surprised. Then again, I would be too if my little sister ran up to me with her best friend asking if we could move to L.A..

He tries to think of the right thing to say. I could tell he was thinking of all the possibilities. A smile spread across his face like butter and he answered.

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