13 - You Have Some Nerve

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"Bensons a dick." Jade tells me as her, Cat and I all eat our meals. "You deserve way better."

I couldn't help but let out a shaken breath. I know I deserve better but I still want him. Even after what he did to me. I can't let that get to me, I'm not going to be the girl that runs back to her ex.

Four months ago, we made amends and we became a couple for the second time. Then we broke up. I just think that it would be a waste of time to go back to him, only to probably break up again.

"Thanks Jade." I say, stuffing chicken into my mouth.

The bell on the door rings and we all look over to see Fredward and Carly come in. My breath hitched. I can't believe him. I told him I was coming here, quite angrily might I add, and he decided to bring Carly of all people here to eat his pain away.

I look at Jade and Cat who both have mad expressions in their face. Cat stands up abruptly, Jade following suit.

Jade glances at me and speaks. "We can tell him to take a hike if you want."

I crack a small smile at her seriousness and reply. "Do what you want."

My friends (who are complete opposites) walk over to the duo that just found a table. I watch the whole scene.

Jade begins speaking. "So.. Benson. You decided to come to Bots?"

Freddie looks a little confused. "Yeah. I just needed to... clear my head."

Cat takes the reigns and starts talking. "You know, we heard about what happened with you and Sam. Didn't she tell you that she was coming here?"

"Uh... yeah?" He replies, looking around the restaurant before our eyes meet. I shoot him a glare, making him look away before he continues talking. "I just thought she would have left by now.."

Carly chimes in with her sweet voice. "Look... Cat and.. Cats scary friend. Freddie is just as upset as Sam. He just wanted to get away from everything."

Jade leans closer to Carly. "Are You Carly?"

Carly nods, quickly looking at Freddie, to cat and then back to Jade.

Jade continues. "You sure have a lot of nerve showing up here. Especially when you're with your friends ex. Who you kissed by the way."

I laugh quietly. Jade really knows who to freak people out. Carly's face is priceless. She's got that scared expression on her face.

"Freddie.. I think we should go." She says, her voice coming out as a squeak.

Freddie slowly nods his head and they get up from their table before walking out the door. Freddie looks back at me with a sad expression before walking out.

Cat and Jade come back to our table with triumphant smiles on their faces. "We did it!" Cat exclaims happily.

"You guys have no idea how much that means to me." I tell them, flashing a genuine smile.

Jade pats my back and eats a fry. We continue talking about pointless things to cheer me up from my recent turn if events.

Around half an hour later, we get back to Cat and I's apartment. I flop myself on the couch and turn in the T.V.

"TOILET WARS IS ON CAT!" I yell out even though she's right beside me. Jade was in the bathroom.


Jade left late last night. Cat had gone to bed before she left and I slept on the couch. How pathetic, right? I go through a break up and I sleep on the couch.

You may be wondering. Why do you have such mixed emotions? I'm broken. Truthfully, sometimes when I go through something bad, instead of being sad, I get angry and then I get upset and then I'm back to happy again. This time, I'm angry and sad at the same time.

I'm so mad at Freddie for what he did, yet I'm sad I left him. I'm sad he kissed my best friend. It's complicated.

"Sam?" I hear Cats high pitched voice. "Oh my gosh! You look terrible!"

I open my front camera and almost throw up at the sight of myself. "Jesus. I do."

Cat grabs my hands and tugs me up. "Come on, let's get you looking cute!"

I groan. "I don't want to look cute."

"I don't mean girly. I mean let's do your hair and fix your make up." Cat happily exclaims.

Rolling my eyes, I get up and follow the excitable red haired girl. On the way to our bedroom, my phone buzzes.

Shay, Carly
Hey... Do you think we can talk about everything that happened? I feel terrible. Please come over.

She really does have nerve. If she thinks I'm just go to her house to be friends again, she's got another thing coming. I will however, go over and scream at her though. That is something I don't have a problem with.

So when Cat is finished making me cute. That is what I do. I go over to Carly's house to yell at her.

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