15 - Love You No Matter What

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This is the end of this book. Consider this like an epilogue or something. This will be a longer chapter then the other ones. There will be a time skip towards the middle. I'm probably gonna cry making this chapter.

My eyes opened and I looked around my room. It's been a week since the forgiveness and Freddie and I still aren't together. However, we have been hanging out heaps. Actually, he's asked me out to a date tonight. I was about to decline when I realised, I've been spending all this time thinking about whether or not I wanted to get back together with him. The truth is, I do. I think the time I spent wondering if it was a right thing to do was in fact, pointless.

I throw my legs over the edge of my bed and decide it's time to have a shower. Sometimes, the things you hate doing, are the things you have to do. Rude, I know.

As I made my way over to the bathroom, I looked around the girly half of my shared bedroom. Cat's half. My favourite red head wasn't there. Maybe she was in the kitchen.

Nonetheless, I got in the shower and did what I had to do. I could have made it PTA, but I figured my hair needed a good clean and my legs need to be shaved. The female life, let me tell you.

I finish up in the shower, get dressed and head into the kitchen to see Cat on the phone. Me being me, I listen to her from a distance, making sure to be very quiet.

"Okay, you know the plan?" She asks, tapping a spoon on the counter. It's a weird habit she has when she talks on the phone.

"Good, so I'll get her distracted, take her to Bots or something and you'll meet with Freddie to help with the planning of the date." Oh I see. Freddie wants to make the date perfect and needs me away from Carly so she can help him. Fair enough. I guess I get a free meal at Bots then. Yes!

"Sure beans! See you after he comes to pick her up? Nice! Bye Carly." She hangs up and puts the spoon in her mouth before going to get some cereal.

I take this as a chance to leave the hallway and go into the kitchen to greet her. All I got to do, is act like I know nothing.

"Morning Cat." I tell her with a slight smile. "Who were you on the phone to?"

She almost drops the carton of milk into the bowl as she looks back at me. "No one."

Can't fool me Cat. I'll just pretend to know nothing then. "Okay then. Where's our cocoa pebbles?"

Cocoa pebbles are the best. I love them almost as much as I love chicken wings. So they're pretty high up on the foods Sam loves list.

"Oven." She says, handing me a bowl.

Giving Cat a confused look, I take the bowl and look in the oven. Sure enough there was a box of cocoa pebbles. I just let her do this? Why?

She sits down on at the table and I follow her after I put the milk in. "What's the plan today?"

She eats a spoonful of cereal and begins talking. "I'm taking you to Bots and then we are coming back here and then you are getting ready for your date!"

I nod, stuffing cereal in my own mouth. "My date isn't until 6PM though. How long are we spending at Bots?"

"Just until Carly tells me to bring you back." She says. Then she realises her mistake and covers her mouth. I knew I could get her to crack some how. "I mean... We are staying there until I decide to bring you back. Yeah!"

Smiling, I just nod and go back to eating.


Cat and I got back from Bots. She was constantly checking to see if Carly had texted her and as soon as she did, Cat was already up and telling me to finish my chicken wings.

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