♞ Chap. {12} ♞

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    "LET ME DOWN YOU WHIPPER SNAPPERS!" Wailed out Nico as he was being held up by Takashi, by the scruff of his collar as Mistukuni Haninozuka was trying to persuade the young male to change for their cosplay

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"LET ME DOWN YOU WHIPPER SNAPPERS!" Wailed out Nico as he was being held up by Takashi, by the scruff of his collar as Mistukuni Haninozuka was trying to persuade the young male to change for their cosplay.

  "Come on it isn't that bad!" Emphasized Mistukuni, frowning as Nico continued to wiggle around frantically.

  "I'm not dressing up as some dumb rat, you can't make me," Disagreed Nico, their cosplay was to dress up as animal and of course Takashi just had to be the cat!

   So no way was he about to do something that embarrassing! That stupid Takashi would probably hang that over Nico's head for decades!

   "It's a mouse, not a rat!"

   "Still no!" Nico moved his arms in an X formation, wiggling his legs around as he did so—still in the air.

   "I didn't wanna have to do this," The Lolita Said darkly, making Nico gulp.

   "You wouldn't," He Whispered, horrified as Mistukuni's happy face, turned to something that would definitely haunt Nico for the rest of his life.

   "Takashi," Directed the Lolita.

   Nico slowly turned his head to the side, and he went as pale as snow, his hazel eyes turning hallow as he stared at the harden glare of Takashi Morinozuka.

    And that's how Nico ended up, blushing madly as he hung around his small blonde haired friend , as well Takashi as the two humored the guests. Nico just sat eating some cake rather happily, before one of the guests spoke:

   "Woah, you really look handsome Nico," Hummed a red haired girl, giving a soft smile to the hazel eyed boy.

   Nico froze.

   GIRL ALERT! GIRL ALERT! DANGER!DANGER!DANGER! Thought Nico, his mind racing as the blush on his face seemed to have just darkened.

   "T-T-Thank you, p-princess," Whispered Nico, his hazel eyes watering with embarrassment.

   Seika Ayanokoji was a beautiful young second year, who was in the same class as Nico, Takashi, and Mistukuni. And now she was talking to Nico! How freaky is that? A girl like her usually wouldn't look twice at him!

   "You're costume truly is amazing," She complimented, making Nico freeze.

   All he was wearing as a simple very low grey V neck undershirt, with a black vest, as well as simple black skinny jeans— and as for shoes? They were covered by paw like feet, and Nico had paws for 'gloves' as well as he was struggling to eat his cake.

   And the worst part? Was the large ratty ears that were placed on his hazel hair! This really was humiliating!

   "T-Thanks," He whispered out again, his hazel eyes looking over into her blueish grey ones, "I love your hair, red truly is a divine color,"

   Seika blushed  brightly, covering her face with her hands  shyly.

   Oddly it seemed rather fake.

   "H-Here, you're having trouble eating let me help," She changed the subject, once taking notice of the junkies hard time in trying to feed himself.

   "No you don't have to—"Nico was cut off by the frosted sweet bread entering his mouth, icing smearing on his bottom lip as Seika just giggled girlishly.

   "You made a mess, silly," She stated, moving her hand up, and rubbing away the icing, the white icing was now on her thumb as she brought it to her lips licking it off.

   Nico just froze, jaw almost dropped as his face was now like a cherry.

    Not at all noticing the room starting to have a dark gloom—and the gloom coming from the dark haired male that was sitting across from the two with other girls surrounding them.

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