♞ Chap. {06} ♞

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   Nico hated a lot of things and one of those  many things was Takashi Morinozuka— that tall dark haired male seemed to be at the top of his list as the taller male had picked him up by the scruff of his shirt

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Nico hated a lot of things and one of those many things was Takashi Morinozuka— that tall dark haired male seemed to be at the top of his list as the taller male had picked him up by the scruff of his shirt. Mistukuni staring up at the dirty blonde haired boy in amusement.

"Okay, okay, you have my attention!" Grouched the Junkie, waving his arms around frantically trying to make Takashi let him go.

However the male just held him higher off the ground, making tre hazel eyed boy Glowered but stayed silent listening to the smaller boy's proposition:

"Join the host club with us! I know all of us will have lots of fun,"

"Host club?"

"No way! No way! No way!" The Junkie Shouted after Mistukuni explained what the host club was about, and what the dirty blonde haired boy will be doing.

His cheeks were flushed pink as an angry expression was on his face, no way was he going to entertain girls! He couldn't even communicate with his own sister for crying out loud! And trey expected him to charm females? The most dangerous creatures to humanity?

Pouting Mistukuni held his bunny that he had now been carrying around since yesterday, "Why not? It's not gonna be that bad, you're not even gonna train."

"Haninozuka, you're nice an all, but females are terrifying do you see the way they walk in packs! So Nu uh!" He crosses his arms in front of him like an X, as Takashi still held Nico in the air.

"There will be lots of food—"

"I'm in!"

What's always a good way to bribe a junkie? A food junkie that is? Bribe him or her with food, nothing more and nothing less.

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