Chapter 18

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I walked down the stairs slowly and carefully.

Hold on. I can just go into Axel’s body! Alright I got it. I ran back upstairs and closed Chase’s bedroom door behind me. He is still sitting there. I look at the note more closely and see that where is says ‘we are in the basement’ it’s neater than Chase’s handwriting. Okay so I guess Richard wrote it or something.

I sit on the floor and close my eyes really tight so I can change into Axel’s body.

When I open my eyes I am still in the room. I look at my hands and they are Axel’s.

Hold on, where the hell am I?

I am in the closet. His mouth was duct tape, that’s why he didn’t yell or anything. But why is he up here? Was he waiting for me?

Richard probably kept him up here to wait for me. I walk out of the closet and sit next to myself on the ground. Then I change back into myself.

When I’m back in my normal body, Axel is looking at me like I have 5 heads. And he’s holding his head. “W-What the hell just happened?” He asks me

I don’t even look at him. I look at Chase. Then back at Axel.

You know, I never realized that Chase’s eyes are blue and Axel’s eyes are blue-green.

I look at Chase and say “I just went into your body.”

He looks at me and laughs. “That sounds-“ I punch him in the arm and say “I know, I just don’t know how to say it.”

“You could have said ‘I just changed into you.’ Not that-“

I laugh and say “Shut up.”

He chuckles until he sees the sign Chase is holding up. Axel gets up and grabs the sign out of his hands. Then slaps him in the face.

I get up really fast and grab his arm. “What the hell was that for?!”

He is still looking at Chase when he says “Because I felt like it.”

“But that-“ He cuts me off and says “We- you need to go downstairs.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa say that again.” He looks at me confused “You need-“

“No, Axel” I say “You said ‘we’, so both of us are going to go downstairs.” I grab his arm and try to walk across the room “Wait, wait, wait” he says “We have two choices. One you can change into Roxxy or Kent. Not Jasper because Bella is controlling him-“

I cut him off and laugh.

“See that’s the thing, Bella is not controlling Jasper anymore. Richard changed him for good.”

“Oh” He finally realizes “That’s why his eyes weren’t red- wait a second- that son of a bitch, I thought he was being controlled when he dragged me into the freaking closet. That’s why I didn’t say anything.”

“You know what” He says

Great, now we are going to be here forever,

“I’m going to kick his little ass when we go down there.”

 I say “Wait, did you just say we?”

He holds my shoulders “Yes I did.”

I smile “Okay so what’s the second choice?”

“Oh, then we can both be invisible.”

“We can do both.” I say excited “Catch me if a fall.”

I close my eyes and next thing I know, I’m Roxxy. Cole, Kent, Harris, Adam and I are tied to chairs looking at one chair. Bella and Jasper are standing right next to Richard. But right now Richard is yelling at Kent, Adam and Harris about always being there for him but then now they went behind there back. I am surprised that they are not screaming in pain right now-

I spoke to soon.

I am sitting next to Kent.

Then I change back to myself and I am lying on the floor. “Why did you drop me?” Is the first thing I ask

“Well I got scared, I didn’t know if you like died or something.” I get really close to him and punch him. “There is not time for that.” I say then I tell him everything I saw downstairs.

But then I say “If we don’t go there right now, your girlfriend will be next.”

His eyes got really wide. “Alright, let’s go.”

 He is already walking to the door but then I say “We need to bring Chase.”

He stops turns slowly and walks back to me. “What? Why?” “Because I said so, if he is not coming I am not moving.”

“You want my brother, who went to my father and was very mean to Jasper and I, to help us?”

“You know Axel.” I say annoyed “You were mean to him. He told me everything you and Jasper did to him. So shut the hell up stop being a bitch and let’s go, with Chase.”

He exhales very loudly on purpose. “You sound like a five year old.” He says

He throws Chase over his shoulder and we walk downstairs.

Axel opens the door to the basement and walk downstairs.

Richard looks at us annoyed and Kent, Adam and Harris are not screaming anymore.

Cole and Roxxy have a huge smile on their face. Bella walks over to me and Jasper walks over to Axel and Chase.

Jasper says “Oh look, my two lovely brothers.” And he pins Axel against the wall. Axel dropped Chase and Chase is sitting on the floor not moving just breathing and blinking with bright red eyes.

Bella picks me up with that power of hers and places me in the chair. I am screaming on the top of my lungs, but then I hear Chase say “Brooklyn.” Then I stop screaming.

Chase walks into view and he is trying to knock out Richard but he can’t.

Chase keeps looking at me. I feel bad because I can’t do anything. I am locked in this cold ass metal chair.

But then Chase’s eyes get wide and light up. It looks like he has a plan, but I am not sure.

He says “Hold on Brooklyn I have a plan.” He shouldn’t have said that because Richard heard that and now he is staring at me giving me pain and I am screaming. I’m not crying because I am tough and when I am out of this chair I will kill him, and I’m looking forward to that.

“Brooklyn!” Chase yells. Roxxy and Cole are yelling something that I can’t hear because everything sounds muffled and far away. My eye sight looks blurry. All I can think right now is; What the hell is Chase’s plan, and he better do it fast.

I yell at Axel "What-happend to-the we AXEL!?"

"I'm sorry." Is all he says

But then I feel a hand holding my clenched fist and try to see who it is but I can't see anything because we are invisable. Then I feel another hand on my other fist. Its Axle and Chase. They are untieing me and we are running.

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