Chapter 17

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Chase is sitting up in bed. Stiff as a bone. Something is wrong.

I sit up slowly and say “Are you okay?” I’ve never seen him like this before.

He looks at me and exhales. “I didn’t sleep for 2 reasons.” He says and looks at the door. “One, because I forgot about my brother, his girlfriend, Adam, Kent and Harris downstairs in the basement.” He says

I forgot about that two. I’m such a bad person.

“And two,” He continues “I was afraid someone was going to take you in the middle of the night.” I don’t even say anything to him. I just kind of shuffle over to him and hug him tightly. “Don’t worry about feeling bad for your brother.” I say “I forgot too.”

He turns his head to look at me better, “I never said I felt bad about Axel and his friends.”

Oh. He laughs and says “I mean, I kind of feel bad, but then I don’t.” “And why is that?” I ask

He looks at me in the eyes. “Because he is my twin. But then I don’t feel bad because he did very bad things to me when I went with my father.”

I don’t even want to ask what happened. I think right now is not the-

“Do you want to know?” He asks. I put my head on his bare chest. “Alright, well it all started.” He says “When I told Jasper and Axel that I wanted to go with my dad and they got really mad.”

He looks at the door and then continues “They actually ignored me for a long time. And do you want to hear something funny, I wasn’t even out of the house yet. 2 years later, then, I moved in with my father and started working for him.” He exhales a laugh. “But one day, Jasper and Axel grabbed me from behind and dragged me into a room and actually beat me up. The whole time they were yelling ‘How could you?’ ‘What made you want to work with dad?’ or something like that because then I blacked out.”

I still don’t talk. “But Axel.” He says “Axel talked to me when he was done beating me up. He said to me ‘How come you’re working with Dad, now. We are supposed to work as a team ever since Mom died, but now.’ Then he slammed the door shut.”

“I wanted to move in with my father because my mother passed away. But ever since I moved in with Dad, all he did was torcher me.” Chase says. You can hear the sadness in his voice. “I shouldn’t have even moved in with him. Axel and Jasper were right. The only thing that bothers me is that that one day, Jasper never talked to me. It was only Axel.” Now it looks like he is day dreaming. Then he gets up and puts his shirt on.

“Where are you going?” I ask

“Well we need to go get Axel and his friends, then go hunt down Jasper.”  His fangs are showing.

“Umm okay.” I say and get up to.

He looks at me and says “No, you can’t come.”

“But, why?” I whine

“He chuckles and says because I think this is supposed to be between brothers and I don’t want you to get hurt.” He looks at the alarm clock, its 8:30.

“If I’m not back by 12, then something is wrong, and then you can come and get me. Okay?”

I look at my toes as I sit back down. “Please don’t do this to me.” He says “What happens if my father kills me and this is the last I see of you?” I look up in an instant.

He laughs “I’m just kidding.” And he kisses me strongly.

“Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Oh and tell my Grandma, I’m….. out with Axel and Jasper or something.” He says

He is very close to my face when he says “And remember, I love you.” Now our foreheads are touching. “I love you too Chase.”

Then he kisses me one last time and jumps out of the window. I run to the window and look at him. Hes running to Richard’s house.

I don’t know what to do so I go downstairs and sit with his grandma on the couch. I say “Good morning.” And she says “Good morning, where is Chase?”

“He is out with Jasper and Axel.” I say like it’s nothing until “Oh let me give him a call.”

What the hell should I do? She takes out her little flip phone. “Oh.” I say and grab the phone out of her hand, “Did you ever think of upgrading your phone.” And I pull out my phone. “To this.”

She looks dumbstruck. “No…” She says “Tell me about your little fancy phone.”

So I tell her about apps and stuff about the phone and she asks a million questions.

We are still talking when I hear the guy on the TV say “The time now is 1:00…”

No! I get up shove my phone in my pocket and say “Well, that was fun.”

His grandmother holds my arm, “Don’t you want something before you go?” She asks.

“No, thanks I’m fine. I was supposed to meet the boys at 12.” I say. “Oh do you want me to drive you there?” She asks

“No thanks.” I say as I’m walking out of the house before she asks more questions. Now I’m running down the block, gasping for air. I’m running really fast, I feel like my lungs are on fire. Then I reach the house. I open the door slowly. Nobody is in the living room. So I make my way around the house.

Nobody is anywhere. I make my way upstairs to find a red eyed Chase sitting on the foot of his bed staring at me holding a sign. It looks sloppy, I guess he wrote it. It says ‘Help me’ But then on the bottom it says ‘We are waiting for you in the basement.’

Chase doesn’t say a word to me because Bella is controlling him. I grab Chase’s arm and try to move him but he doesn’t budge. All he does it look at me.

I guess I’m going down there by myself.

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