Chapter 15

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I wake up to Chase yell-whispering my name. "Is everything okay?" I ask him while i try to get up on my elbows. He looks at me then the door then at me. I hear someone walking up the stairs. My eyes widen.

Chase gets up really fast and locks the door. "What the hell is going on Chase?!" "Remeber?!" He shouts. But not to loud.

"What- oh ya, were escap-" He puts his hand over my mouth. I want to protest, but #1 I can't and #2 there is knocking on the door. "Wake up. Breakfast is on the table." Its Jasper. Chase slowly takes a hand away from my mouth. And he tip toes to the window. I hear the door knobe jiggling. "Open up!"

Chase yells "Come on Brooklyn!" He opens up the window quickly and jumps out. I can't believe what I just saw. He did the same thing Jasper did the first time I met him. I look out, he landed on his feet. I don't trust myself that I am going to land like that. "Brooklyn, I'm right here. Please jump. You wont get hurt, I promise. All vampires land on their feet."

I put one leg out followed by the other. I'm sitting on the ledge but then Jasper breaks the door right off of the hinges. His eyes arent red. That's weird

Is Bella still controling you Jasper? I ask him

YES! He says angry.

Jasper starts walking over to me and I jump. It felt so weird. I felt like I was on a roller coaster. I landed on my feet. I look at my feet and start laughing. I look up at Chase and we both start laughing. Chase clears his throat and says "Okay we need to go before Jasper tells my father that we left." We start walking towards the front of the house.

Richard pops out and nearly gives me a heart attack. "Well well well." And he starts pushing us back again, towards the side of the house."What are you guys doing?" Richard says with a smile on his face. I want to punch him in the face.

Bella comes out from behind Richard.

I look up at Chase, who is as surprised as me. "Well? I'm waiting for someone to answer me."

Then Jasper jumps out of the window. And is right behind Chase and I. Chase breaks the silence "Well to start off, I really do not want my own father to kill me. You know what, I really don't know why you want to kill me. So now you talk Dad." Chase steps foward and Jasper hold my arms back.

Chase looks back then goes back to talking to his father. "Well." Richard says "You were protecting the girl that I want to kill."

Chase starts clapping his hands "Wow Dad." He says "That's great. I just want to protect her because did you ever think that I like her!"

Richard looks at Chase confused "That's really sweet." He says "What do you think about that ,Jasper?" I look up at Jasper, the one thing I notice is that his eyes arent red anymore. And it looks like he wants to rip Chase's head off.  He lets go of me only to throw me against the wall. Jasper walks over to Chase, but Chase runs over to me.

"Brooklyn!" Chase screams. Everything around me is spinning. I feel like I'm going to pass out. But then I feel Chase's arms around me. Jasper exhales a laugh "Where did you go?" We are invisible.Chase picks me up and runs right past Jasper,Richard and Bella. They are still looking around the side of the house. Chase is running and running. Then Chase runs around the corner.

He stops running and puts me down. And I see his face. We are visable again. his hands are on his knees and he is breathing heavy. I'm sitting on the floor. "You know." I say "You didn't have to run with me in your arms the whole time."

He looks up and says "Ya I know. I just wanted to hold you." And right again, I'm blushing.

I get up "Can't they find us?"

He standsd up straight "Ya but they wouldnt find us for a while. Now we have to run like 5 miles-"

"WHAT?! No no no."

He laughs "Umm yes yes yes. We need to go to my grandmothers house. She is super safe."

"Okay so lets go." I say

He holds my hand and we turn invisible.

So we run vampire speed to a small little brick house. Its so cute. It looks like you would see it in a picture book.

Chase just walks in, still holding my hand.

"Gram! I'm here!"

Chase is walking around the house. "Gram!" He yells again

He runs in the kitchen. And a little elderly lady is sitting on a chair with her head on the table. "Gram?"

"Chase, I think she's sleeping."

His Grandma sits up really fast, and yells "GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!"

Chase and I jump.

Chase says "Gram, its me."

She puts a hand on her forehead and laughs "Oh I thought it was your father. You sound just like him." And laughs again

"Grandma, are we aloud to stay here for a little while?"

She looks at me and says "Oh, my who is this?" She gets up.

Chase backs up "Grandma, we have no time for that. I will explain her later. And you." Chase points at me "I need to talk to you about Jasper."

My eyes widen. His Grandma says "Oh how is Jasper and Axel?" "They are good."

"How come they didn't come with you?" She asks

"Gram, I promise I will tell you everything later. Can we just stay here for a little whi-"

"Yes yes, now tell me eeverything, after I'm done with the bathroom."

She goes into the bathroom.

Chase turns to me and exhales. "Okay about Jasper."

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