Chapter 14

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Richard is upstairs getting our guest. I feel my hands getting hot. He comes down with a little girl, blind folded.

I dont even recognize her. Oh my god. Its Bella.

Jasper says "What are you doing with her?"

I can't even find words right now.

Richard put an arm around Bella.

I walked closer and said "Get your hands off of her."

He took the blind fold and her eyed were red.


She didn't even come over to me and give me a hug. She looked at me like she was going to kill me.

"What did you do to her?"

"She is part of my 'team' now. And if you want her off of your team, then you." He points at me. "Will have to stay with Chase and I for a little while and I will let Bella go, and not be part of my team anymore."

"Dad don't do this." Chase said

"Do you guys want to see what she can do?" Richard asked.

"Bella, show them what you can do."

Bella looked me in the eyes, put her hand out and aimed it towards me.

Her hand started glowing red. Chase yelled "WATCH OUT!" And he shoved me out of the way.

It looked like fire, that was coming out of her hand.

I was on the floor and Chase was holding me in his arms.

Jasper was just staring right at Bella.

Chase said "Jasper, are you okay?" His grip was getting tighter on me.

"Dad, what did you do to him?" Chase asked

Richard threw his head back in laughter. "I didn't do anything. Bella is doing that. She is controlling him." He laughed again "I can't believe she can do that."

I can. What I want to say is ,we kind of have the same freaking power!

Chase was staring at me. When I looked at him. He quickly looked away.

And we both looked at Jasper. It was creepy. Jasper slowly turned his head and then his body. I looked at Bella who was just looking at him.

Jasper started moving towards us. Richard was laughing. "You know what, I take back the whole thing back. About giving Bella back and staying with me. Now you two are going to stay with me and Jasper and Bella are going to be on my team now.

Brooklyn! Help me!

I looked at Jasper, who looks like he wants to rip my head off.


Brooklyn, you have to help me. Bella is controlling me. Everything I do, is Bella. So don't get mad at me when ever I hurt you.

Jasper came over to m, grabbed me by the neck and pushed me against the wall.

How did he get past Chase? Chase was practically on top of me. Richard was holding Chase back.

Chase was yelling "Someone help! There is a crazy man in the house!" Then when Bella heard that she snapped her neck towards Chase pointed a finger at him and he went to sleep. Jaspers grip was getting dangerously tight around my neck. "What d-did you do to h-him?" I tried to say

Bella laughed and said "Don't worry sis, hes just sleeping." There was pounding on the door.

We all looked at each other. But before we could stop anything Adam,Harris,Kent,Roxxy,Axel and Cole were all in the small living room. Jasper dropped me and I was gasping for air.

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