chapter 10 - Hi, Society

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There was a screen shot of a Gossip Girl article announcing Serena and Noe's return and Noe's amnesia, with a picture of them at the Ivy League Party in 1.03.

Gossip Girl: (voice over) "Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite."

From 1.02 "The Wild Brunch", in Noe's room, Noe was sleeping in her bed, having nightmares, little flashes of memory. In the memory, William was driving, drinking from a vodka bottle. A car horn blared, headlights shining over them, the car about to wreck into them. The car hit them, making the car spin uncontrollably, glass shattering, tires screeching, tipping over, making Noe fall toward the open window, until they hit a brick building. Noe caught herself against the door, but her head crashed through the window, and a piece of glass embedded a little in her temple, leaving her to deal with the consequences she would have to face after the car crash.

Eric: (voice over from 1.01 Pilot) "Dad gets drunk and he wrecks his car and makes Noe lose her memory and leaves her for dead."

From 1.03 "Poison Ivy", in the VDW Apartment, Eric, Serena and Lily were talking.

"Noe was starting to remember the car crash," Eric told them. "So if she has another dream like that and freaks her out again when she's getting her memories back, I would like to be there to help her through it. And if she doesn't know what that memory means, I would like to be there to explain it so she knows a little bit more about her own life. And the lives of her family and friends."

"So would I," Serena agreed.

From 1.01 "Pilot", in flashback to the Shepherd wedding, Noe and Nate were hooking up.

Lily: (voice over from 1.02 The Wild Brunch) "You and Nevaeh were best friends since childhood, and I think she's always had a little crush on you."

Alex: (voice over from 1.02 The Wild Brunch) "Nate might have felt the same way."

From 1.02 "The Wild Brunch", in the VDW apartment, Eric, Serena and Lily were talking.

"Well, she's been in there for almost a month, having been in a coma for most of it, but still," Lily told them. "The doctors said that she should be starting to get memories back soon, even if just in bits and pieces."

"But the doctor also warned us that the amnesia could change her personality and make her make rash, unbelievable decisions," Eric told her. "And it could be easier for us to help her control those impulses or thoughts if she's here at home with us."

Lily chuckled without humor. "Eric, you know Nevaeh's always been a rebel with urges like that. Yes, the amnesia could make it worse as the doctors warned us it could, but we could barely curb her impulses when she didn't have amnesia or brain damage. How do you expect us to handle it now that those might be amplified because of the car crash and because a piece of glass went through her temple to make her this way?"

From 1.08 "17 Candles", sitting outside with Nate, Noe managed a small smile, looking down. She gazed off, remembering flickers of a memory of when she was a child, saying goodbye to her friends, getting into a limo and being driven away, when she had been crying to say goodbye to friends and family, frowning in confusion as she remembered that little bit of memory.

Gossip Girl: (voice over from 1.08 17 Candles) "Nate might not get his happy ending with either of his ladies, but Noe is getting closer and closer to finding out what her complete story is by the minute."

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