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*Calliope's POV*

When we arrived at Emily's another guy equally as buff as Embry stepped out. 

"I see the wolfs out of the bag," He jokes. 

His eyes are narrowed and he glares at Bella. I shift uncomfortably by her side. 

"We should go back and check on Jake," Bella says.

"He'll be fine," Embry says.

"I hope Paul gets a bite out of him, serves him right." The other guy said.

"Nah, five bucks on Jake. You should have seen the way he changed on the fly." Embry argued. 

When Bella and I didn't move for the house Embry spoke up, "Come on we don't bite."

The other guy scoffed, "Speak for yourself."

"Before you go in, Emily's fiance, don't stare it bugs Sam," Embry said before walking in.

"Why would I stare?" Bella asks. 

Wanting answers to what just happened I walked into the house, followed slowly by Bella. 

"Whose this?" A woman asked turning to us.

When I saw her face for the first time I paused. On the right side of her face are three long claw mark scars. Even with her scars, she's exceptionally beautiful. 

"Bella Swan who else," The guy whose name I don't yet know said. 

"And that's her younger twin sister Calliope," Embry added. 

"So your the vampire girls," Emily says.

"So your the wolf girl," Bella says.

"I guess so, I'm engaged to one." Emily shrugs. "Would you two like a muffin?"  She asks, smiling.

Bella shrugs walking forward and taking one, "Um sure."

I stay back against the wall, "No thank you." 

"Jake would be the one to get around Sam's gag order," Emily sighed setting more muffins on the table. 

"He didn't tell me anything," Bella said defending Jacob. 

"Me either," I shrug.

"He couldn't if he wanted to. Alphas orders, no one can get around those. You know, we can hear each other's thoughts." Embry says grinning. 

"These are trade secrets dammit! These chicks run with vampire's."

"You can't really run with vampires...because there fast," Bella says.

"Yeah? Well were faster, scared yet?" The unnamed guy says. 

"No, your not the first monsters I've met." Bella shrugs.

"Jake's right, you are good with weird." The deep-voiced man says, walking into the room and giving Emily a kiss on the mouth and several kisses all over her face. 

Bella winces, looking away.

"Okay so I know your Embry and I'm guessing that the wolf Bella slapped is Paul and your Sam but who are you?"

"Jared, what's it to you?" He says glaring at me. 

I glare right back, "I was just asking. No need to be a fucking asshole."

Bella gasps, never hearing me curse before. "Cal.."

"Save it, Bella," I snap as Paul and Jacob walk in. 

Paul sits at the table and turns to Bella, "Sorry."

He doesn't look sorry at all. 

 "Bella wants to take a walk?" Jacob asks. 

Bella nods, "Yeah."

I walk after them, not caring that Jacob forgot about me. 

A girl with short black hair steps out of the forest glaring at Bella. "If your here to hurt Jake again you can leave." She snaps before running back into the forest.  

Through a peak in the trees, we can see her turn into a wolf and run off. 

"She's one too?" Bella asks. 

"Yeah, first ever girl to shift." Jacob shrugs. 

"What's she so pissy for?" I ask.

"That's just how she is. Ever since Sam dumped her because of the imprint she's been nothing but moody." Jacob explains. 

"Bella I want to go home," I say, having enough with people today.

She looks hesitant to hand me the keys. 

"I'll give you a ride home if you want to stay." Jacob offers.

Bella hands me the keys and I walk off. 

When I get home I straight to my room, kick off my uggs and lay in bed. 

I guess vampires aren't the only supernatural creature out there.  

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