Moving To Forks

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(What Calliope looks like up top)
*Calliope's POV*

(Calliope's outfit)
Mom drove Bella and I to the airport with the windows rolled down. I wore my favorite sweater, light blue with clouds all over it. A dark grey skirt that reaches just above my knee, striped knee high light blue and white socks, and high top converse which are light blue with white clouds all over. My hair hangs in loose ringlet curls.

In the Olympic Peninsula of Northwest Washington state, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this town more than any other place in the United States of America. It was from this town that my mother escaped with me and my older twin sister Bella when we were only a few months old. It was in this town that we had been spending a month every summer until we were fourteen.

That was the year Bella  finally put her foot down; these past three summers, our dad, Charlie, vacation with us in California for two weeks instead.

It was to Fork that we are now traveling to, much to Bella's horror. She detests Forks.

She loves Phoenix. She loves the sun and the blistering heat. She loves the vigorous, sprawling city.

I, on the other hand, am over joined at the thought of moving to the quiet, rainy little town that is Forks. I never much liked the hustle and bustle of the big city or the constant heat. I've always been more of a quiet person. Someone who enjoys the silence. I'd much rather curl up on my bed and read a book rather than try and socialize. Not that Bella is very social either; but she'd rather be surrounded by the loud city than a quiet town.

"Girls," mom said, the last of a thousand times before we got on the plane. "You don't have to do this."

"I want to go," Bella lied. She's always been a bad liar, but she'd been saying this lie so frequently lately that it sounded almost convincing now.

"Me too mom," I added. Bella sent me a small smile of thanks.

"Tell Charlie I said hi."

"We will," Bella says.

"I'll see you soon," she insisted. "You can come home whenever you want, I'll come right back as soon as you need me."

"Don't worry about us," Bella urged.
"It'll be great, I love you, mom."

"Yeah mom, I love you too."

She hugged Bella first, and then me, and she was gone.

"This is it," I murmur, holding onto Bella's hand.

"This is it," She agrees.

Together we board the plane. It's a four-hour flight from Phoenix to Seattle, another hour and a small plane up to Port Angeles, and then an hour drive back down to Forks. Flying doesn't bother Bella, but with her help, I managed to get through it all. The car ride Bella is obviously worried about though. She never did know just what to say to him.

Charlie had really been fairly nice about the whole thing. He seemed genuinely pleased that we were coming to live with him for the first time with any degree of permanence. He already got us registered for high school and is going to help Bella get a car.

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