Chapter 1

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"Mia! Wake up!"

My eyes shoot open, and I sit up in bed. I rub my head groggily as I remember my dream. It was that dream again.

For the last 2 weeks, I have been having the same dream, ever since I moved my bedside table to next to my bed. They are never clear, not even the figures. I remember flashes of them. They all have crazy hair colours. There was one with long turquoise hair and, though I couldn't be sure, it was tied up in twin-tails. 

I shake my head, trying to clear my mind. However, those figures seem so familiar, though I can't place my finger on where I have seen them, apart from my dreams. I don't even know the location of the dream, though that is familiar too. Like a place I went when I was a young child.

I trudged downstairs, to my mum, and grab my breakfast, before slumping into the coach in front of the TV.

"So, I think you should clear out your bedside table today," my mum says, interrupting my thoughts. I make a non-committal grunt. Ever since we moved, she has been nagging at me to organise my room, including chucking out anything I don't need, or want.

"Mia, talk to me, you know I can't translate your grunts," she says sharply. I look at her with my eyes half-closed. She knows I don't talk so early in the morning.

 "I barely talk in the morning. Let me wake up." I mumble, my eyes closing.

I eat my breakfast, toast with Nutella and a glass of milk. I am now more awake, though still extremely tired. I nip to the bathroom and wash. I then go to my room, and put on my school uniform, a black jumper with a striped tie, and black trousers. I go back through to the living room, and mum brushes my hair, though I am perfectly capable. She then hands me my lunch which I put in my bag leaning against the wall near the front door.

"See you after school, Mia!" Mum shouts, and I shout back, though I need to make sure not to wake Dad, who always sleeps in when he isn't working.

I walk to school, meeting my friend who only lives across the road. I was so glad to move here, I now can visit her whenever I want.

"I am so glad that you live so close now," she says.

"I know, Rachel, you say that every day," I say, and my eyes flick down to her wrist, where, like always, she is wearing that orange scrunchy.

"Why do you wear that scrunchy on your wrist, instead of in your hair?" I ask, though I most likely will get the same answer.

"Don't be so nosy, that's my secret, not yours." I knew it, the same answer.

Rachel has short blonde hair that she always wears in a ponytail, with white hairpins to keep her fringe out of her face. She also has startling blue eyes, which are so big they shouldn't be possible in a human being.

I take a closer look, and a gasp escapes my lips. She looks the spitting image of one of the figures in my dream. Though the figure was blurry, there was no mistaking it.

"What's up?" she asks, looking at me out the corner of her eyes.

"Nothing," I say. I haven't told anyone of the dreams, and I don't want to freak Rachel out by saying she looks like one of the figures. Though that might be where the familiarity comes from. I have been friends with her ever since I was 11, and started high school.

~20 minutes later

"Hey, nerd!" says Ellis, the bully of the school, as I walk through the gates.

I roll my eyes and walk away with Rachel. "What a loser, having to bully people to be happy," I whisper, looking over my shoulder to make sure no one is listening.

"You're telling me!" she says, with a hint of disgust in her voice. "So, I am going on another date tonight!"

"With that Louis?" I say, my eyebrows raised. She has been going crazy about this boy, that I am yet to meet, and believes him to be The One.

"Yeah," she says, with excitement this time. She notices the look in my eyes. "I know you have your doubts, Mia, but he is definitely the one!"

"Whatever," I say, and then jump as the bell rings. "Oh crap, we're late!"

I dash into my English class as she rushes to Music. Shame she isn't in the same half as me or we could have some lessons together.


"What a morning!" I gasp, with good reason. Two tests with three lessons in a morning never equates to a good day.

"It could be worse," says Rachel from behind me. I turn and gasp. She has a black eye and her knees are scratched up. Plus her arms look all bruised.

"What happened?!" I say, shocked at her injuries.

"In Dance, I tripped and got carpet burns on my knees. And then at break Ellis attacked me. He gave me the black eye and the bruises," she says, the pain her injuries are causing her evident in her voice. "This isn't good," she says to herself, gripping her scrunchy.

"What isn't good? Apart from the injuries," I ask.

"Never you mind, though there is that date with Louis tonight," she says, tears leaking from her eyes.

"I can come over after dinner tonight to help you get ready. I'll cover your black eye with makeup," I promise, now with a full plate for after school. Before dinner, I have to clear my bedside table, and after dinner, I will be helping Rachel get ready.

"Thanks!" she says gratefully.

~after school

Me and Rachel walked home together. Thank God, there were no more tests.

I wave to Rachel as she turns into her driveway. "See you after dinner!"

I walk into my own house and straight to the bedside cabinet. I open it and groan, it's full of hair accessories. Why would I own these, I don't care about my hair.

I put my hand straight into the mess and pull out the first thing my hand closes around. Its a red scrunchy. I have a closer look, and gasp. It's the same style as Rachel's scrunchy that she always wears, just a different colour.

My door bangs open, and I jump with fright. I see a flash of blue in the reflection from my window.

"Hey, I'll help with the cabinet. It'll get done faster."

"How did you -?"

"I came to yours, as I wanted to get started earlier on my makeup and your mum told -" Her speech cuts off, and she just stares at the scrunchy in shock.

"You're one too?!"

Vocaloid Actors (Book #1 of Vocaloid Actors Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now