Chapter seven: Cold as Ice and Playing Nice

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Elsa frowned.

It wasn't that she didn't like going to these events. Because she actually did. Business meetings and company deals were something she liked being involved in. When her parents came to her and discussed plans for Arendelle with her, she felt so flattered and incredibly grown. She loved how her dad would beam at her and say that she's got the true skills of a business woman, that Arendelle would flourish in her hands.

But today was different. She didn't like this setting mainly because she was at a classmate's house. Hans Westerguard. He was in her grade and most of her classes, there was nothing wrong with him, he was actually pretty nice, but he was a classmate and it made the whole thing weird. They were at the Westerguard's big fancy mansion for some party thing. It was actually a chance for all these big royal people to group together and see what they could get out of each other.

She was standing in a reception hall  by herself. It was filled with royalty, kings, queens, princes, princesses, dukes, duchesses, you name it, all wearing the finest clothes: tailor maid suits and designer dresses. Elsa frowned again looking around the room. She was alone and getting nervous. It was super uncomfortable standing awkwardly in the corner and she felt like she was going to explode. 'Keep it together,' she reminded herself, 'Conceal, don't feel, don't let it show.'

She thought about how Jack hated that philosophy. When she first met him, she was so nervous and afraid about using her powers, she hardly ever did. Then she met this obnoxious white haired boy who never failed to use his. She remembered what he told her.

"You don't be afraid of yourself Elsa. That won't work for you, you'll end up living your life in fear. Don't conceal it, feel it. Let it show." She smiled at the memory, but was jarred from reminiscing when Anna bounded up next to her. They stood together awkwardly for a few minutes then Anna said, "It's warmer than I thought." Elsa smiled politely.

For the millionth time she wondered, what happened between she and her sister? They used to be so close. Elsa knew that she grew up, and started to make her own friends, find herself, and grow into a new person. Anna did too and that's where they drifted apart.

"So," she tried, "Enjoying the party?" Anna scowled. "Not really. I don't enjoy these things. They're so stiff and formal. Everyone here looks like they ate a load of starch for breakfast." Elsa giggled. She knew this was definitely not her sister's setting. They stood together for a few more minutes and a waiter passed with two long stemmed, bubbling glasses on a silver tray.

Elsa plucked them up and handed one to her sister. Anna widened her eyes. "Since when do you condone under aged drinking?" Elsa laughed, "Since I was fifteen?" They clinked the glasses together and drank. Much to Elsa's surprise though, she spotted a familiar pair of bright blue eyes in a crowd of people. Her face instantly lit up and waved them over.

"Mer! I'm so glad to see you!" Merida scoffed and rolled her eyes. She looked breathtakingly beautiful. Her round blue eyes were lined with black eyeliner and she was wearing gold eyeshadow. Her lips were stained red with lipstick and she was wearing a beautiful blue dress. Her fiery curls were swirled into an intricate updo held to father with gold beads.

However, she wore a deep scowl and she huffed. "Ay 'ave no clue why am wearing this gret blue gardbage bag! Ay don't wanta be ere!" She scratched her head and the hairdo sagged a little. Elsa chuckled. Merida would Merida wherever she was. She leaned a little closer to her. "Did you guys manage to find a little more know who?" Merida shook her head, eyes trained on a platter of hor'duvers.

"Hiccup still needsta get back at mey." Elsa rolled her eyes and Merida scowled. "Easy there princess. We'll find what you need." Hiding a smile, Elsa said, "Whatever. Hey, where's Anna?" She looked around for her strawberry haired sister, but she couldn't find her. Why had she just disappeared without telling Elsa where she was going? How rude.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she glanced at Merida. "I need to find my sister." Taking a tray of mini spring rolls from a passing waiter, Merida followed Elsa closely. "I'll come with ya!"

The girls weaved through the crowds trying to spot Anna, who's red hair should've been easy to spot. Elsa was getting increasingly mad. Her parents would want to stay late to flush out whatever business deal they were going to close and Anna was her ride to go home. Why would she just leave like that? They searched multiple hallways and rooms before circling back to the ballroom to no avail.

Elsa faced Merida who was polishing off an apple tart, when Anna bumped into her. "Elsaaaaa! You're just the person I was looking for!" Elsa narrowed her eyes. Clearly, Anna was drunk. Sighing, Elsa started to scold her, "You know, I gave you ONE glass and I knew I shouldn't have done that because it's obvious you- who is that?"

Mid scold, Elsa noticed the guy holding Anna's hand. Another red head, tall, polished and very handsome. Hans. Why were the holding hands? And why was Anna grinning like an idiot?

Before Anna could reply, Merida pulled Anna with them. "Leave some room for the Holy Spirit why don't ya?" Rolling her eyes, Anna pulled away and returned to Hans.

"Guys, I want you to meet my boyfriend , Hans." The girls stared in disbelief. Okay. Anna was drunk. Of course she'd feel so giddy and like she actually liked him, an attractive older guy. So Elsa took a breath. "Anna. You just met him." Even though they went to the same school, Elsa knew her sister and Hans didn't run in the same circles.

"Yea, but we're in love."

Merida choked on her drink and Elsa's mouth dropped open. This was unacceptable. Of course it was just like Anna to let someone she barely knew in to her life with no thoughts of repercussion that would follow. And of course, she'd get her feelings hurt and Elsa would have to console her.

Trying to control the edge in her voice, the platinum haired girl said in very careful, icy tones, "Anna, we'll talk about this tomorrow. It's time to go. Now." She took her sister's hand, but Anna pulled away.

"Are you serious Elsa? Why can't you just be happy for me?" By this time, a few people in the room started to stare at them.

"Because you know nothing about being in love! You just met him! How can you jump into a relationship with a guy you just met? Do you even think these things through?" Elsa clenched her hands into fists, and the temperature dropped. If she didn't calm down, frost would start to creep up the wall. "You know what? You're so immature Anna. When he breaks your heart and dumps you, don't come running to me." She spun on her heel and walked away with Merida on her tail. But of course, Anna followed pulling Hans along.

"Oh like you make such good decisions? You act all high and mighty but your boyfriend is always in detention! Hasn't he been arrested before? At least Hans isn't a delinquent like Jack!" At the same time, Anna put her hand on her sister's shoulder to spin her around.

But  hearing Anna speak about Jack like that? Elsa saw red. She yanked her sister's hand off her shoulder and pushed her away. Before doing something she knew she would regret, Elsa started walking away again, leaving everyone staring. And before what would happen next actually happened, Elsa knew it was going to. Because Anna couldn't leave well enough alone.

"Stop acting like you're too good for everyone Elsa! And stop running away! Just face-"

"ENOUGH!" Elsa turned around in a fury and let out a sharp icy blast. The guests stared in shock and horror at her and Hans picked up Anna, who had fallen from the blast, up. He glared at Elsa. "I think you need to leave."

Returning an icy glare to him, Elsa said in her coldest voice. "I think you need to watch your back." With that, she didn't bother melting the ice, but turned around and left.

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