Chapter 1

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There I was. On the pier, holding a dying Christine in my arms. She begged me to kiss her and I obeyed. I kissed her with everything I had. All the passion, love and longing I had suppressed for ten years. She went limp in my arms. For a moment I didn't break the kiss. I held her close, refusing to believe she was gone. She couldn't be gone. No. She wasn't gone. No. Ten years. I had waited ten years to see her, to hear her sing. Ten years and I finally had her. She couldn't be ripped from me already! I heard footsteps. Raoul and Gustave. As the tears poured from my eyes I let Raoul hold her one last time. Though I hated that man with every fibre of my being, he loved her. How could one not? To know her was to love her. Gustave. My son. Our son. He put his small hands on my shoulders. He had just lost his mother. The poor boy. I looked into his sad eyes and watched as he reached for my mask, unafraid of what was behind it. He removed it and I pulled him close to me. We both cried silently. I looked up from his tiny shoulder where my head had been tucked. Raoul was putting Christine on the ground. I let go of Gustave.

"What are you doing?

Leaving. I lost the bet, and have no reason to stay anyway."

I glared at him and took Christine in my arms. A quiet breath escaped her lips. She was alive!

"Raoul. Gather some clothes for Christine. Afterwards, take Gustave to the hospital. I'll meet you there.


Do it. Now!"

I called over my shoulder as I ran with Christine in my arms. The hospital was a short ten minute walk from the pier, I was sprinting so that cut the time in half. People on the street stared at me. I was running like a madman with, what appeared to be a corpse in my arms. I payed them no mind. The hospital was in sight. I pushed myself harder. I ran faster. When we came to the door I kicked it opened and people stared. Nurses, doctors and patrons all had looks of shock on their faces.

"Please. Help. My... my Wife! She's been shot. We need help. Please. She's dying."

I urgently begged. A nurse rushed over to us.

"Oh dear. Follow me."

I obeyed. She took us to a room in a wing with other injured patients. A lot of them similar injuries to Christine. Shot, stabbed, impaled. I tenderly set Christine in the bed. My jacket was blood stained.

"We'll have the doctor in to see you in just a moment.

Please hurry, she's dying. I-I can't live without her."

I started to sob. She nodded and gave me a look of pity. I sat on the edge of the bed and held Christine's hands. She was growing cold. No, I couldn't lose her again. Tears still flowed from my eyes. I kissed her hand and squeezed it.

"I'm here Christine, I'm here."

The sound of footsteps surprised me. The nurse and who I assumed was the doctor entered the room.

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