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Mal's POV

(This chapter isn't important for the rest of the story, so you can just skip it if you want ;)) 

Every fairytale has a happily ever after, so this one should have one too, right? Everything seemed to be perfect. After Uma left, everything was just as it should be. Even I, the daughter of the most evil person in whole wide world, had what most people only could dream of. I had Ben, the one who could show me what real love was, the one who would do anything for me, the one who would never leave my side, no matter what would happen. 

And I had my friends, who would be there even in the darkest of times, the people I could always count on. I learned from my mistakes and I new that there was so much more to learn. But I am only 16, so I've a whole life right before me. Although it felt like we've been here for years, in fact we had only been here for 6 months.

Cotillion was one of the most beautiful nights I've had in my life, but unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. A few days after cotillion, we had to go back to school. It was still not easy to be the girlfriend of the king, you know. It was like the press was everywhere. 

And school was also hard. Now that I didn't have my spellbook anymore, I had to actually spend time in my school work. But luckily for me, my friends (and boyfriend ofcourse) are always here to help me. And it was not like I had to do boring things all the time, in our free time we hang out, talk, laugh and have fun, just like everyone sometimes does. Because if you take everything in life too serious, there's no fun left in it.

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