Chapter 10 - Cry

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        That was the day Tiger had too avoid everyone for as much as possible. Maybe skip a few classes, and hide in the bathroom could do the trick.

        Without even stopping at his locker at the far end of the hall, he quickly ran towards men's room. He pushed the door open barging into the men's room. His breathing was hoarse due to his dry throat.

        He kept his vision planted onto the bathroom floor as he tried to catch his breath. Only a second later, he began to feel uneasy, and uncomfortable. He glanced up through his bangs, and gulped. That was an occupied men's room. Five boys gathered together at the corner of the room, scared to their wits. Panic spread throughout their bodies as they shook in fear. They all had a warily look in their eyes as they stared at Tiger.

"W-what do you want," the boy in front of the others finally spoke. Tiger's breathing was already shaky, and quivery. He shook in fear, terrified of what the boys were going to do to him, and terrified of why the other boys were terrified.

        "I-I don't want anything," Tiger finally stuttered out, his voice hoarse from his dry throat. The boy in the corner hesitated, thinking of safe things to do in the situation before giving Tiger a powerful glare.

        "Well, get out then." Tiger gripped the handle of the door behind him as he watched the other boys come out of the corner of the bathroom and walk closer to Tiger, all wearing powerful glares.

        "Get out," they all yelled to him at once. Tiger whimpered, and quickly pulled the door open. He quickly began to run back down the hall from where he came from and back down the stairs. As soon as he reached the bottom of the stairwell, the warning bell rung, and the other students began to flee to their classes. as he slowly made his way down the hall, students and staff would quickly move out of his way, and glare at him from the corner of their eyes.

        Not too long later, and the final bell rung. The hallways were quiet, and completely empty. He leaned against one of the white lockers too his left, and slowly slid down it. Before he knew it himself, he felt a warm liquid slid down his cheek. He chuckled at himself, pathetically, and slowly wiped away the river flows of tears.

        It was happening again. People were hating him for reasons he didn't know about. All he knew was he had to find out why people hated him so much. He bit tongue to stop from more tears to come, but they did, all at once. What could he do about it. Tiger was nothing but clueless, naive, and weak. He watched from the corner of his right eye as they all laughed at once.

        The girl was sitting right in the middle of them, laughing the most. She looked so happy. Tiger cocked his head, and glanced around the large room. Voices were scattered from every corner of the room, eating their lunches, and talking, and laughing, and smiling, and being happy. Tiger sat at a table surrounded by no one. He could not eat.

        Not after a couple students had given him a heinous comment earlier. Fat, that word roamed throughout his mid, frequently reminding him of the truth. He was fat, and he knew it. As well as everyone else in the building. He glanced back at the girls table, and smiled. She was wearing her nice white sweaters with the black skirt that was slightly above her knees. Her hair as long and as slowly as it was the day before. He had also managed to glance at her shoes at one point of the day. Black boots that reached to her ankles.

        Beautiful, screamed in his head rapidly as he continued to stare at her and only her at the far end of of the lunchroom. A sad sigh escaped from his mouth as everyone around him got up from their spots, and one by one, made their way over to the doors and out of the cafeteria. As he walked out of the room, he watched her from slightly behind the group in the corner. Her voice was the same as yesterday. Soft, yet high pitched, sweet, yet a hint of naughtiness, innocent and dull, yet dangerous and wildly interesting.

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