Chapter 7 - Stop

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        The next morning, Tiger woke up to a bright light burning his eye sockets. He shut his eyes, tight, and looked away. The bright light only seemed to follow.

        He groaned and put his hands over his eyes. He soon began to hear faint talking near him. The voices soon began to get louder and less faint. Tiger began to slightly open his eyes. He narrowed them only to meet three doctors wearing masks above him.

        He began looking around. The entire room was white and was filled with doctors who all wore masks. He laid there for a while, still confused on what was going on, then his eyes shot open.

        "Asher," he yelled, shooting up from his spot. Every doctor turned to him and ran towards him. They all began talking at once, which only irritated Tiger.

        He began getting up from the white bed, but was pulled back by another doctor. Tiger growled and tried to pull his arm away, but the doctor's grip was too strong.

        "Where's Asher," Tiger finally yelled out. All of the doctors stop talking. Tiger felt the tears that were building up and already falling down. They gathered around him and began calming him down.

        Tiger growled again and pushed them away.        

        "Where is Asher," Tiger yelled, even louder than before.

        "Where is he," he yelled again. A couple doctors stepped forward and took their masks off.

        "Tiger," one of the doctors began. She knelt down too Tiger's level and pushed her long red hair away from her eyes. She looked down. Tiger growled at her.

        "We took Asher too a juvenile detention center," she finally said.

        Tiger's eyes widened in sadness.

        "There," she added.

        "He can be cured from this revenge thing and would also face the consequences." Tiger began to sob. He shook his head.

        "No," he yelled.

        "You bring him back," he yelled, this time he fell onto the floor. The doctors quickly grabbed his arms and began pulling him up, but Tiger pushed them away with all the strength he had.

        "You ruined everything," he yelled too the doctor.

        "You took him away from me." Tiger sobbed even harder. Soon, a blood curling scream left his mouth. The doctors quickly grabbed a hold of him and held him down. The doctor with the red hair quickly got up and began walking towards the counter. She grabbed a small injection, filled with a clear fluid and began walking towards the doctors who held Tiger down.

        "I'm sorry, Tiger." She got down on her knees.

        "But, you need to calm down," she said, then quickly injected the clear fluid into Tiger's arm. After that, Tiger began to weaken. He soon went unconscious and lifeless. The grip of the doctor's began to loosen and Tiger collapsed. His body began to shake uncontrollably.

        The next morning, Tiger began to reawaken. He began moving around, but he couldn't. He was seated on a chair and was surrounded by guards.

        He tried moving his arms, but he could not. His eyes began to open, slightly. He looked up and realized he was not in the hospital room anymore. Five cops were seated in front of him, waiting for him to wake up. Tiger groaned and tried moving his arms again, but he could not.

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