Our Song (29)

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 "What day is today?" Morgan demanded as she slid into the kitchen.

I gave my sister a look, pushing a piece of toast into the toaster before answering, "Friday."

She looked like she was going to faint. "Oh, I was right. Tomorrow is Saturday."


"I'm getting married tomorrow," Morgan blinked, and I couldn't help but smile at how excited she was. "I'm actually getting married tomorrow. Tomorrow's the day that everything is going to change."

I smiled at my sister. "Are you happy or worried?"

"I'm definitely happy!" she nearly shouted, and the way she was acting almost made me laugh. This was not like usual Morgan, so I knew that she was really nervous about the next day. "I just can't believe that it's actually happening tomorrow after so long!"

I couldn't do anything but keep smiling at her. I was so glad that she was happy, and I was glad that my parents hadn't done anything to stop her from doing what she wanted. She was a grown adult now, unlike me, so she could do whatever she wanted without my parents' permission.

"So, I'm spending the night at Blake's tonight, but we'll both definitely be at the wedding tomorrow," I informed my sister now as my piece of toast popped out of the toaster and I grabbed it. "Thanks again, for letting him come."

Morgan giggled as I buttered my toast. "I would have invited him even if you didn't want him to come! I seriously love that guy. He's perfect for you."

I smiled. "Yeah, he is."

"If only Mom and Dad could see that," Morgan now sighed as she sat beside me at the kitchen island. "Mom still thinks I'm making a huge mistake marrying Kyle, but at least she's not stopping me from doing so. But it's different with you and Blake, because I'm pretty sure she won't ever be okay with the two of you together."

"It's because you never had someone like Sean," I sighed angrily, slashing at my toast now and jabbing a huge hole through it. I merely dropped it onto my plate, done with it now. "You never had another guy that mom thought was perfect following you everywhere you went. Mom will always want me to be with Sean or even Derrick."

Morgan shrugged her shoulders. "Well, at least we know that she's only acting that way because she loves us and just wants to best for us."

I couldn't help but make a face at her. "Yeah, sure."

Morgan smiled at me, ruffling my hair before turning away from me and heading out the kitchen door. I looked down at my ruined toast, my appetite now completely gone. I guess I could have just gone to school early, then...

When my phone started to ring, I almost jumped because I wasn't expecting it. I looked down at the caller ID to see that it was Blake, which only confused me even more because I didn't think there was any reason for him to call me right then.

I blinked as I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Come outside."

This caused me to blink again. "Why?"

"Just come out and you'll see."

I didn't hang up the phone as I got up from my seat and slowly made my way to the front door. I opened it, and much to my surprise, I saw a shiny new car right in front of my house, Blake in the driver's seat.

"You got a car?" I asked, still on the phone as I made my way toward his car.

He chuckled. "Yep."

"How did you get it?" I questioned now.

He shrugged. "My dad got it for me."

I was up to the passenger's side window now. "Seriously?"

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