Fighting with me all your life, will you?

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New and his girlfriend's problem seems to be ok after the trip. But actually, it's not. Though New was really with her, by the sensibility of a girl, she feels something wrong. New is so kind to her, but she really doesn't feel New belongs to her. Like the way New choose always choose healthy foods for her instead of cakes. Like the way New suddenly stops and look at the new launched camera for a long while when they are having a stroll. Like the way New hesitated to carry the shirt that presented by Tay in his birthday and eventually let it home when she cast a furtive glance him the night before they left. Whatever, her boyfriend is with her now.
New returns the city 3 days after Tay left. Nobody knows where Tay went, but they do know Tay went with Oab. For an unknown reason, New doesn't comfort about that.
Tay and Oab go to Phuket. In this time, they find that they are so connected. They almost have joint hobbies and Tay goes with Oab with a light heart.
- Hey, so what is your relationship with New? Oab suddenly ask
- It is complicated.
Tay doesn't know why he answers like that. He should have told that New is his best friend. Maybe in a strange place that no one knows them, Tay just wants to let his heart breath.
The point is, Oab isn't surprised nor asks further. He told his story:
- When I'm 17, I first time was in love with a girl in the next class, but she already had a boyfriend. Do you know what I did?
Tay keeps silence and waits for the reply:
- I came to the boy class and say that: "Hey bro, resign that girl for me, I'm sure I will make her happier than you do"
- Then?
- He bunched me without a word. I absented from the class 1 week later.
Tay can't stand laughing:
- So you were damn stupid.
- But the stupid like me haven't ever regretted about this.
The air falls in silence. For a long while, Tay said:
- But the 25-year-old has more scare than the 17-boy Oab.
Tay stops at that. Nobody talks anymore. Actually, in deep of Tay's heart, he only afraid for one thing: Losing New! So to be with him, he is satisfied to be a best friend, like this, forever.
Oab does know what Tay was thinking. Though they didn't talk much before, Oab always thinks about Tay like an younger brother. He knows about Tay love. Cause like fate, Oab sat next to them in the bar the night Tay told about his feelings to Off who was sleeping.
But Oab doesn't know that Tay is so deep in that painful love. Maybe Tay himself can't realize it.
Tay and Oab come back with some gifts, they go straight to the company. New is there, too. Everyone keeps asking about the trip. Oab is excited to tell about their funny moments and show a lot of their photos. Everyone seems to happy, but one.

That one sits at the corner, holding a phone in hands. Tay comes to him and slaps his shoulder:
- Hey bro, how is your trip?
- It's good.
- Where did you guys go?
-"A lot". New pretends to play game, ignore what Tay is saying.
- Hey, I bought some cookies for you. Hey Oab, where is my cookies?
Oab reply with a smile, can't stand to consider New's expression:
-"I let in our case. But Tay, you shouldn't eat too much, it isn't good. " In a second, Oab is surprised to see a change in New's eyes.
- I bought it for New.
- "Then ok. Let me get it". When he come over Tay and New, Oab intentionally whispers and twinkles to Tay: "Don't make me worry about you. But I really needs to go home. I can take you a drive"- "Ok, wait me for a minute". Before leaving, Oab is excited to sees that there are clearly some reactions in New's face.

Tay doesn't see it. He is busy with thinking about what is happening to New. He gives cookies to New:
-Here you are.
-Tay, I'm on diet. I can't eat it. Just keep it for you and Oab.
Then, New goes home.

Actually, New doesn't why he isn't comfort. Tay remembered to him when he was on trip, what else does he want? But: Why did they use joint case? Why did Oab care about Tay that much?
Many days after that, New keeps ignoring Tay, refusing all of asking from Tay.
-Hey New, are you free to go out tonight?
- Sorry, I have to go with my girlfriend.
- Hey New, I know a new famous place to eat tonight.
-I need to watch movie with my girl.
At first, Tay just thinks that New wants to have time with his girlfriend. So he going out with Oab who really becomes his close friend after the trip. But one night, he runs into New walking alone.
-"Tay, it's New". Oab points at the boy in front of them.
- New?
New turns round, see Oab and Tay are going together again, he feel really unpleasant: Hi guys!
- What are you doing here? Where is your girlfriend? You said you had to go with he?
- I'm coming right now. Where are you going?
New is lying. Oab is sure about it. No-one who comes to his girlfriend is leisure like him. So he decides to tease New:
- Tay wants to take me to the new restaurant and meet his friends.
New's face changes totally. But Tay doesn't realize that. He just hurry New up: " Hurry up New , don't make your girl to wait"

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