Break #5

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Karl: Chris, you told me that we can go train with the dolphins and sharks!

Chris: I know that Karl. You don't have to remind me. How about you go, and I stay here by Mimmi's side.

Karl: But, it's not as fun as it would be if you join me.

Chris: Karl, I promised Mimmi that I would be right by her side if she ever needed anything.

Mimmi: Aww, how sweet. Chris, you go on with Karl. I'll be fine. If I need anything, I'll let you know. Does that sound good to you Honey?

Chris: That sounds like a plan to me. I'm guessing that Karl wants to go to Fiji to study the dolphins and the sharks. I'm going to miss you, Sweetheart. 😘😙


Amaya: Connor, I'm scared.

Connor: Don't worry sweetheart. I'll be right beside you through the whole thing.

Amaya: That's not what I'm talking about.

Connor: Then, what are you scared of honey?

Amaya: I'm scared about my abusive 'parents' breaking out of Iron Heights and killing me.

Connor: I won't let anything happen to you. My
Princess and the Queen of my heart.

Amaya: My hero, my Prince Charming.

Connor: I love you Amaya.

Amaya: I love you too Connor.

Time skip to Amaya's birthday and Coronation day

Tummnus: Now presenting Their Royal Highnesses Great High Queen Tala and Great High King Gabriel!

Tala: Thank Tummnus. Gabe and I are proud to announce our daughter up to the stage, Princess Amaya!

Princess Amaya: First of all, I would like to start off by saying thank you to all my family and friends and classmates.

Gabriel: Thank you for that introduction speech Amaya. Now, do you, Princess Amaya vow to help protect your kingdom with love and respect?

Amaya: I do vow to help protect my kingdom with love and respect. I also vow to care for those who are in desperate need even for those who are not in desperate need.

Gabriel: I now present to you, Crown Princess Amaya of Narnia! Crown Princess Amaya, you must choose who you want by your side.

Amaya: I choose Connor to be by my side.

Time skip to the reception after the Coronation

Tala: May I have your attention please. There is something that Connor would like to say to the Crown Princess!

Connor: Amaya, we have known each other for a very long time and I have loved you since the day I first laid my eyes on you. You have taken my breath away when you first walked through the doors of school and you've stolen my heart. I will always love and protect you. So I have one question to ask you. Amaya, will you marry me? (Shows a diamond ring 💍)


(Connor slips the ring onto Amaya's finger on the left hand)

Time skip

Amanda: NO! He was supposed to be MINE!!!!!!!

Charlotte: I feel bad that I have treated you both like that Connor and Amaya. Hey, Amaya?

Amaya: Yes, Charlotte?

Charlotte: Can we talk privately please?

Amaya: Sure.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 04 ⏰

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