Chapter 25

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We all stared at her in unison, her limp body leaning against the side of the doorframe. It looked as if that simple spell had sucked all of the remaining energy out of her. Everyone was lost for words, including Rodolphus which was... Unusual. But peaceful.

She still looked just as bad as before though; the only difference now was that she was walking. To be honest, she resembled a zombie I once saw in a Zonko's magazine.

Before I could say anything to her, Mum ushered Angelina out of the room. I think Mum wanted to fight, but Angelina looked so terrible and weak that Mum had to take her out.

My eyes just stared at the door where Angelina had stood. I couldn't believe what had just happened.

Lestrange looked outraged. Outraged at the fact that the girl whom he thought he had killed had just came back to life, somehow walked down 3 flights of stairs, and then disarmed him! His eyes were glued to the door, his ears peeled to Mum and Angelina's footsteps walking down the hall, until they were getting fainter and fainter. Until we couldn't hear anything, except our heavy breaths.

"That disgusting mother of yours... she thinks she can kill my wife and just walk away from me! How dare she! I want my wife back, and the only way I can do that is to kill your mother!" said Rodolphus angrily, glaring at everyone in turn...

Oh, how I hated that man. To present my hatred towards him, I could have killed him then and there, right on the spot. But, I didn't have the confidence to do that; I wanted answers! And how would I get them if he was dead? I also didn't want to be known as a killer. Even if it was a horrific man like Rodolphus, I would wake up every morning thinking about how I once killed a man... guilt would transform me into a different person.

That was then I realised, I was already a completely different person. I was no longer happy, funny, bubbly; I was an irritable, overly anxious 19 year old.

I stepped forward, turning my head to look at Rodolphus; I couldn't live like this anymore. Being in his presence just made me want to just run out of the room, out of the house and never return again. But I couldn't do that. Being with him, I couldn't do anything at all.

"No one, and I mean no one, can bring back your wife Rodolphus. She was about to kill our daughter. Ginny. She obviously just couldn't watch as her own daughter was about to be killed." said Dad calmly, pointing to Ginny. She scowled and looked away; she hated it when people made her look weak. And how Dad had kept so calm, I had no idea.

Lestrange looked at him in disbelief, eyeing him up and down, "How dare you lie like that! My wife would never do something like that..."

Now it was my turn to laugh. I tried to bite my lip to prevent my laughter, but a loud snort escaped my mouth. I thought I'd just as well express my point of view, as now all eyes were on me. "Uh, hellllooo! Are you a man or a 5 year old? What don't you understand? You and Bellatrix were Death Eaters! You think your wife would never kill a 17 year old girl? Oh, I could tell you many tales about Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus; about all the people, and muggles, she has killed... tortured-"


"How the hell do you know, you landed yourself in bloody Azkaban, didn't you? How do you know she didn't try to kill her?" I yelled, my voice ringing off the walls. I didn't only feel tall and powerful, I felt brave. Indestructible.

I waited for an answer, but an eerie silence hung about in the air.

Seconds passed. Minutes passed. No one said anything. I wished for anyone, anyone, to speak. The silence was creeping me out, like he was about to strike any second. But when finally someone did speak, I wished I hadn't heard it.

"I don't care what you say. I am going to kill your mother, even if it is the last thing I do."

My heart almost stopped.


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