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I was completely aware that I was standing in front of Niall half naked, but at the moment, that was the last thing on my mind.

Zayn's attack and Niall's heartfelt words made me an emotional mess. I stood there numbly with unforgivable tears running down my face.

Niall slowly bent down and pulled up my pants to fasten them. He picked up my shirt off the floor, ignoring the torn fabric, and covered me up with it the best he could.

I felt like apologizing for some reason. I knew it wasn't my fault, but I felt so damn sorry. I knew if I spoke then I would start bawling like a fucking child. My cries were endless and inaudible as Niall took my hand and led me down the hall to a room.

When the door closed behind me I knew I couldn't stop the whimper from escaping my lips.

Niall came up to me and gently held my face with both hands.

"You're okay now, alright? I promise I won't hurt you." He pulled me into him in a heartwarming embrace, one hand in my hair and the other wrapped tightly around my back.

Then came the sobs. "I feel so pathetic. I feel like a child." I choked out through my cries. Niall mumbled protests into my hair and hugged me tighter.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, but I do know that I ended up sitting on his lap in his bed with my head rested on his shoulder as my whimpers softened and my breathing slowed.


"Don't be. Let me get you some clothes." He gently slid me off his lap and went to his closet where he pulled out a plain white tee shirt and some black basketball shorts.

"Uhm..well, I could stand outside and.."

Before he even finished his sentence, I was peeling my clothes off to change. In any other situation I would be completely uncomfortable with doing that especially around Niall, but after all I have been through tonight, I simply did not even have the energy to be shy.

I could feel his eyes on me the whole time I changed and when I was done I couldn't read the look on his face.

"So.." He coughed. "Do you want me to take you back to your dorm?"

Oh. He was ready to get rid of me so he could go back to his party. Right. I began to feel a sense of dread. If I go back to my room tonight I will be all alone with just my thougths. That didn't sound appealing at all. I sighed.

"Um, no.. no, it's fine. I'll see my way out." I picked my clothes off the floor hastily and was two steps from the door when I heard Niall curse.


I looked back to see him running his hands through his hair. "Yeah?"

"I have somewhere I want to show you."


"I still don't understand why we need all of this." I commented as Niall crammed three dark colored comforters in the trunk of his black honda civic.

"I told you, we are staying somewhere over night."

I opened the back passenger door and shoved at least 3 more blankets and several pillows in the back seat.

"Well I know that, but where?"

He sighed. "Just stop with the questions and get in the car before some drunken idiot comes over here and decides to speak to us. I've already had to kick someone's ass once tonight. I'd like to not have to do it again."

I looked around at the people roaming the yard, acting like fools and realized he was right, but I couldn't help but add "Okay, no need to have an attitude." before hopping in the passenger seat.

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