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I sighed in content as I thought about all the great things that happened to me tonight and for the second time thought about how I should do more things like this- let myself go crazy every once in a while because it felt damn good. I pulled my eyes away from the starry sky to look at Zayn by my side. After we got out of the ocean, Zayn and I found a spot away from the group to lie down. For the most part my under wear had dried since swimming but I couldn't be bothered to find my dress so here we lay, Half naked and under the stars. It was refreshing to be this comfortable around someone. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever felt this comfortable around anyone but Zayn is just one of those people who make you feel that way. Comfortable that is. Like I can be myself around him. Just as I was thinking that Zayn was the nicest person I've met at college so far, he broke me out of my thoughts.

"Can I tell you something?"

I looked over at him as he took a drag of his cigarette and passed to me. I nodded and did the same.

"Alright, but you can't laugh." He warned as he folded one arm under his head and reached for the cigarette with the other. I took one more drag before nodding.


"I haven't told anyone this. Not even my mother. Hell, I didn't even know about it until this year.. So I'm trusting you."

I nodded. "You can trust me Zayn, whatever it is, I won't judge you."

He took a few more drags before handing the cigarette back to me but I just held it because I was too enthralled by what Zayn was about to say. He put his other hand behind his head and bit his lip before sighing,

"I'm gay."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"God Zayn! You scared me. I thought you were going to tell me that you murdered someone or something!" I laughed.

He chuckled too. "I'm glad you're reacting this way.. I thought you would be mad or something."

"Why would I be mad? Zayn, I don't care about stuff like that. You're my friend and I will support anything you do."

"Even if it's a guy?" he winked and I chuckled.

"Even if it's a guy." I confirmed.


The first thing I saw when I woke up was a pair of ruby red lips with wings coming out of it. I was confused at first but when I lifted my head I realized that it was Zayn's chest tattoo. I untangled myself from him and gazed at him sleeping. We must have fallen asleep while talking last night. I smiled at the memory and scratched a note in the sand for Zayn that read, "Your secret is safe with me" and pushed myself off of the ground. Last night was fun but now, I just feel dirty and tired. I looked down at my half naked body and sighed. Now to find my dress and shoes. I made my way to the bonfire and sure enough, there was my black dress and wedges laying in a pile by a log. I stepped over a few bodies in order to get to my belonging but got there, nonetheless. When I picked up my dress and shoes, something else came tumbling out that I quickly realized was my phone. Great! Now I can call Christy and get her to pick me up! I held my clothes in one hand and scrolled through my phone with the other when a shadow was cast upon me. Confused, I looked up to see Niall standing in front if me and jumped. (But I mean, can you blame me? I thought I was the only one awake!)

"Do you need a ride back to campus?"

I just sighed and nodded.

He smirked before turning around.

"Oh yeah, you might want to put some clothes on."

My face heated up before I looked down at myself. Shit.


"So, is there a reason you're wearing all black clothes? I mean, it looks like you're going to a fucking funeral. Or are you one of those goth chicks?"

I had tried to stay quiet the whole way back to campus to ease my embarrassment but it was really hard when Niall wouldn't stop trying to piss me off.

"Just because I was wearing black one night does not mean I am gothic." I rolled my eye.

"Or is that the type of thing Zayn likes? Huh? Hardcore chicks." He guessed, completely ignoring my statement.

I glared at him. Maybe if I just don't talk he will stop.

"Except, you're not hardcore. If you were you would not be scared to go on a date with me."

"I'm not scared! Have you ever just thought that maybe you're not my type?!" I yelled.

"Baby, I'm everybody's type." He laughed. I, on the other hand was not amused and rolled my eyes.

"How about we make a deal?" He proposed.

"If I can- if I can turn in all of last weeks assignments to Mr. Seeder- including this weekends homework, you have to go to to this Fridays party with me."

I laughed. There is no way he can do that. He barely even knows what's going on in class! He only knows what we're learning because he got some half-ass notes from that blonde chick! Plus we had an essay and tons of homework! Not even I could pull that off.

"You are so on. That's like, impossible." I giggled.

"And if you can't turn in the assignments." I spoke, turning serious. "Don't ever speak to me again."

I turned to him, waiting to see his reaction.

He just smirked and took one of his hands off the steering wheel to shake, which I accepted. "You're on."

He is so going to loose.


He so didn't loose.

The cocky bastard walked right into Mr.Seeder's class with a large stack of papers that he slammed onto Mr.S' desk Moday morning. The poor old man was so confused I thought he was going to have a heart attack. He rubbed his temples and ran his hand through what little bit of hair he had left as he looked through the papers over and over again. When he was done he looked up at Niall.

"I don't know how you did it, Niall but you did. I'll e-mail your coach to let him know you turned in all your missing assignments." Mr. S said warily.

I didn't know whether to be shocked or impressed that Niall got all his missing work turned in but when Niall walked up to my desk, pressed both his palms against it, loomed over me and whispered, "See you Friday night" there was only one emotion I felt: dread.

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