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"What the fuck are you guys doing?" Liam boomed as soon as got through the door. "We have ten minutes until practice and here you are sitting on your lazy asses in front of the t.v! Go get ready!"

We all grumbled and jogged up the stairs with Liam hot on our heels. We all get mad at Liam for always having to be in authority but to be completely honest, without him I don't know what we would do. Our team would be a mess. I hastily slipped on my uniform and head downstairs to see Liam already waiting on us.

"Where is Harry?" I ask. "I haven't seen him all day."

"Beats me. I tried calling him but his phones turned off. Probably with some girl." Liam grumbled.

"What's up your ass?" I ask. "You'd think after spending the night with that hot blonde you would loosen up a bit...What was her name again?"

He smirked. "I dunno Christa... Christy? Yeah. It was Christy."

I just chuckled and shook my head.

"But the reason I'm stressing is because coach is going to have our asses at practice today. Pretty much all of us skipped classes today and us four are definitely gonna be late."

Louis and Niall came running down the stairs moments later and we finally left for practice.


"It's the start of the season and you guys are already coming in late and skipping classes! I don't know what to do with you guys! Do I need to make practices longer? Do we need to do more conditioning? If you aren't going to take these spots on the team seriously I will have to give them up to someone else!"

Coach was furious when we came in late. He had got a call from our teachers saying we didn't attend class today so that just added onto his anger. Liam was right when he said coach was going to have our asses. He had let the rest of the team go thirty minutes ago but made us four stay since we are supposed to be 'setting an example' for the rest of the team.

"You five are supposed to be setting an example." Here we go again. "Wait- you five! One, two, three..." He trailed off. Shit. Harry's not here. Coach Jetter's jaw clenched and his face and bald head got even more red with anger than before.

"Where. The fuck. Is Harry." Coach roared. We all looked at each other with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. Anything could set him off.

"Here! Here! I'm right here!"

We all turned to see Harry running to the middle of the field with one, untied shoe on. The other was dangling in his other hand.

Once he got his shoes on and joined the group we all stood watching Coach. He was breathing deeply and you could tell he was trying not to yell.

"I'm not even going to say anything. I'm not even going to say anything." His voice raised with every word. It seemed like we waited ten minutes for him to say something else. He was like a ticking time bomb when he was mad.

"Fifteen laps!" As soon as he said it we took off around the field. "I don't want to see you stop for anything! If you're bleeding internally you better wait until you get done with that fifteenth lap to go to the doctor!"


"Christy I told you it's fine now. You can stop apologizing."

After I cussed Christy out for not letting me in last night she instantly felt guilty and told me she would take me out to Starbucks to make up for it. I haven't seen the guy that gave me his number and to be completely honest I had forgotten all about him until now. However I hope I see him again because he was cute and seemed genuine.

"Okay fine." She huffed and a smile crept on her face. "So tell me about this Zayn guy."

I let out a playful growl and she chuckled. "I already told you nothing happened." As soon as I told her I stayed at a guys place she thought the worst.

"Whatever." She said after she took another sip of her iced mocha. "I just want details. Is he cute? Did he want to do anything?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I burst out laughing.

"He is pretty cute but totally not my type. He's in the fraternity."

As soon as I said that her eyebrows shot up. "Really?"

I nodded and went over every detail of what happened last night. She gasped when I told her about what happened with Niall.

"Niall Horan came onto you!?" She exclaimed.

I nodded slowly and furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah why?"

"He's like the hottest guy in the fraternity! He's the fucking head of the football team! God Tiff, I swear sometimes you can be so oblivious." She giggled towards the end.

I fake scowled. "Shut up. Anyway he's bad news. I know his type and I don't like it. All he ever does is sleep around." I sighed, taking my last sip of coffee.

"I guess you're ri-" I looked up to see what caused Christy to stop talking so suddenly. Her mouth was hanging open and her eyes were wide and directed behind me.

I turned around slowly to see a very sweaty, very cocky, Niall Horan smirking and walking our way. Shit.

When he finally reached our table he pulled up a chair beside me.

"Well, well, well. What a coincidence. How are you, Tiffany." He spoke smoothly.

"I was good until you showed up." I scowled.

He threw his hand over his heart. "Ouch. That hurt." He mocked.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I seethed.

"What? Now I can't go get myself a little treat after practice? If I didn't know any better I would think you were stalking me."

"Me? Stalking you? How does that even make sense when-"

"Hey, Tiff! What's up?" Zayn called as he approached our table.

I sighed and smiled at him. "Hey Zayn."

Niall got up to order and Zayn took his place. I also noticed three other guys approaching out table. One of which I recognized as the guy Christy slept with last night. I looked over at her to see her blushing. Well, this is awkward.

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