Chapter 4- Messing with Four

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I can’t believe that I am saying this, but I kind of miss Zeke. I miss someone that shares in my teasing of Uriah. I miss someone that will eat my broccoli for me. I miss the “Don’t date boys, they are all idiots, except for me, obviously, I’m fabulous” chats and the “If you breathe in my direction, I will personally throw you into the chasm” threats. Let’s face it, when you have an older brother, you hear both of those conversations often. I miss the wrestling and couch cuddling sessions. I miss having someone that I can really talk to because, come on let’s be practical, you aren’t going to talk to your twin brother about deep things, especially when your brother is Uriah. I just miss my older brother, Zekey.

So, out of my love for my older brother/ computer mentor/ lifelong bully, I try to embarrass him as much as possible.

I sat at a metal cafeteria table with Uriah, Marlene, and Lynn. I could see Zeke and his friends sitting a couple tables away. Zeke sat beside the “numerically named Abnegation transfer,” and those two sat across from Shauna. Four, named after how many fears he has, was talking to Shauna about some fight strategy. He must know what he’s talking about because I hear that he is ranked high with the transfers, which is quite surprising actually, considering his stature.

                With all the talk of fighting, Zeke felt the need to puff out his chest and show off. In my opinion, it was probably to show up Four and impress Shauna, but Zeke would never admit to it. I saw him show Four and Shauna a fading bruise underneath his jaw. He was waving his arms and “reenacting” how he received the massive bruise. He told them that it was a fight or die circumstance. He said that he was going to get thrown into the chasm by the sketchy part of Dauntless that he picked a fight with, but he fought off his enemies, three to one. Of course, that’s not what happened. Not even close. Zeke would not stop bugging me, and he wouldn’t shut up so I punched him hard. I have the greenish splotches of healing bruises to prove it. That’s basically an accurate representation of my relationship with Zeke. We beat each other up, then we help each other to the infirmary for some ice. We fight over who gets to sit on the couch, then we go steal cake together. It just works like that.

                After a while, I decided that Zeke had boasted for too long. It was time for some truth-telling. I hopped up from my seat with my friends and sped over to Zeke’s table. I sat next to Shauna and shot a devilish grin at Zeke.

                “Hey, Tris! What are you doing?” Shauna asked slightly skeptically.

                “Being a good little Dauntless kid and telling the truth.” I said simply with a small grin.

                “Tris, we aren’t Candor. You don’t have to tell the truth all the time. Were you listening to what I was saying earlier? You shouldn’t have been listening? Why are you always eavesdropping?” Zeke said cautiously, speeding up with every word.

                “Aw, come on, Zekey. Do you really think that they believed that story. They need to know what really happened.” I smirked. Zeke’s eyes widened and he lunged across the table for me. He was yelling threats and trying to conver my mouth.

 That’s when  I launched into my story about how I can beat up my older brother. I only exaggerated a little bit. By the end of my story, Shauna was howling with laughter, and Four was actually smiling and saying, “I better not pick a fight with you” which is pretty impressive because Four isn’t very social. Zeke looked petrified, and he was as red as the tomatoes on his sandwich.

“Trissy,” Zeke began slowly, knowing how much I hate that nickname. “Say another word and I will make sure that you never eat another piece of cake again in your puny life.”

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