Chapter 17 - Luke

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Luke Reynolds 

"CO-CAPTAINS!" I scream at the top of my lungs once the three of us are walking back through the car park. 

Trevor manages a slight smile; Adrien tackles me into a choke hold and ruffles my wet hair, laughing as I try to push him off. 

I really have missed this. 

For the first time in forever, I actually feel okay. 

Trevor seems a lot lighter now too, the tension between his shoulders seems to have disappeared.

Sometimes a good cry is what you need. 

 Adrien lets go of me, and wraps an arm around Trevor's shoulders, pulling him into a hug. 

"Wanna come over to mine?" I ask as we get into Adrien's car. 

Adrien looks over at me, his 1000-watt smile on full display, "Hell yes man!" 

I can't help but also smile, it's good to see him happy. 

We both look at Trevor expectantly. 

He's silent, looking from Adrien and then back to me. I'm about to tell him it's okay if he doesn't want to, but he beats me to it. 

"Yeah, I'm in," He replies quietly. 

Adrien beams at him and I can't help but also smile widely, it really is like old times. 

"Video games and junk food?" I suggest as I'm buckling my seatbelt. 

"Sounds good to me, what do you wanna play?" Adrien asks. 

"Ma got me Gotham Knights, we could try that?"

"I thought that was 2-player?"

"They added an up to 4-player co-op."

Adrien, "Hmms," in response whilst tapping along to a Lewis Capaldi song playing on the radio. 

"You okay with Gotham Knights?" I ask Trevor. 

"I don't mind."

We spend the rest of the car ride in silence, with shitty songs playing in the background. 

I'm starting to feel hella nervous about when we get to mine. What if it's awkward? What if Trevor decides to leave? What if we don't have anything to talk about? What if it's not like what it used to be? What if it's too different and they decide to never hang out with me again? 

Maybe this wasn't a good idea. 

"Hey wanna stop and grab snacks?" Adrien asks, watching me through the rear-view mirror. 

I shrug in response. 

Adrien raises an eyebrow at me and then glances at Trevor, who hasn't stopped staring out the window since we got in the car. 

A confused look passes over Adrien's face before he masks it with a small unsure smile. 

Yeah, this is gonna be an awkward evening. 

Adrien pulls into the car park of a small convenience store.

"Want me to get snacks?" Adrien asks tentatively.

"Nah, we'll come too," Trevor says getting out of the car, I quickly follow.

Adrien gets sour cream pringles and peanut m&m's. Trevor grabs original pringles and crispy m&m's. Whereas I grab myself jellybeans, Starmix, and Supermix Haribos.

I'm already halfway through the bag of Supermix before we reach mine, this is why I always get two bags.

"There's leftover chilli in the fridge for dinner," I say as I walk into the kitchen.

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